Thanks for visiting my blog! I created this blog to be able to put my story ideas down somewhere where I could share them with my friends and family. If you're here because I sent you here, thanks!!! I love it when people read my blog!
Some things you should know; I love writing but I'm just a novice which means I'm not that good. Also I'm really bad at updating, but I'm slightly better if I think someone's actually reading my blog. But the thing I'm worst at is finishing.
Thanks for reading anyway. Please leave comments. And if you want me to continue any story leave a comment or message me on Facebook or email me.

Finished Stories: 1
Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

Dec 8, 2015

Cassandra the All Knowing Part 1

This is obviously based off the myth of Cassandra in ancient Greek mythology which basically goes that Cassandra was a princess of Troy who the God of prophesy, Apollo, fell in love with. He blessed her with the gift of prophesy but when she refused his advances he cursed her that no one would believe her. She predicted the destruction of Troy but was unable to do anything to stop it. You can read more here:


Cassandra flipped on the light of the open sign of the psychic shop that she shared with a tattoo salon and prepared for her first client. Cassandra had opened the shop years ago because she was intuitive and good at basic predictions. She loved the respect that she got from her clients and even had a regular spot on a local radio show. Her dream though was to be a TV personality and she certainly thought herself to be pretty enough to be one. Cassandra had long, dark-brown, curly hair and large hazel-colored eyes. She had darker olive colored skin. She had a long, skinny face that matched her long, skinny body-type. Everything was proportionate and she truly believed that people would enjoy watching her on the TV.

Cassandra smiled as her first client entered. He was a regular of hers who came in at least once a month if not more. He was a paranoid man in his forties who came to Cassandra to be consoled and told that everything that would be okay which is exactly what she told him. After him she didn't have an appointment but a teenage girl who had just lost her dog wandered in to see if he was okay. Another one of her regulars had an appointment after that who came in frequently to use Cassandra as a medium to speak to her dead relatives.

Cassandra led the old woman out of her shop after her appointment as the woman thanked her over and over. She stepped outside to watch the sun set. Typically evening was the most profitable time for Cassandra as it was the time that the tattoo salon opened and the night life would come in to get tattoos. If they were waiting for one of their friends or saw the psychic sign they frequently get a tarot card reading as well. But Cassandra had other plans this evening. She was going to be on her regular radio show this evening. She quickly flipped over her sign on her desk and went to the back to get ready. She was really excited for tonight because they were doing the show in front of a live audience as part of a promotion for a car dealership. She typically did her portion of the show in the morning but the host, Mad Maxwell, had specifically requested her for this event. People were actually going to be looking at her so she wanted to look good. She put on a blue dress with a flowing skirt and tight waist. She chose her favorite transparent blue and green beads to wear and her favorite black heels. After doing her make-up and running a brush through her hair she looked at herself in the mirror. Her prediction was that this night was going to go very well for her.

Cassandra drove to the car dealership and walked over to where the radio station had set up. They were playing a song so Mad Maxwell was able to get up and hug her. "You look great," he said looking at her.

"Thank-you," she said smiling at him.

"So, after the next commercial break we'll introduce you in and then we'll start taking questions from the live audience," he said. "Your one of our favorite radio personalities so I know they'll love you."

"This is so exciting. I've never done a live show before."

He smiled at her and put his hand behind her to lead her to the desk. "You'll do great."

Cassandra sat down at the chair that the station had prepared for her and looked out. The booth they were sitting at was specifically designed to be sound-proof as to not pick up any of the sounds of the live audience. There were no chairs set up, which Cassandra believed to be a shame, instead audience members were encouraged to walk around and look at the cars. Some people sat by the building. She noticed quite a few people were staring at her or the other personalities on the stage. One man, in particular, who was standing next to a salesman looking up at her especially caught her attention. He had messy blond hair and a tight light-blue shirt on. He flashed her a white smile.

The commercials ended and Mad Maxwell started to talk. "Welcome back. Right now we're at the Ford Dealership and they have great deals going on all evening. They have food, things for the kids, a lottery, and a lot more. It's a ton of fun so come down here, say hi to us, and enjoy in all of the activities that we have here. I know you'll have a blast. We're now being joined with our next guest, Cassandra Priam. Cassandra is a frequent guest of ours so you've maybe heard her before. She's a local psychic; she deals with love, death, and everything in between. We're so glad to have her today. How are you doing, Cassandra?"

He paused allowing Cassandra to say, "I'm doing really good, Maxwell. So glad to be back on the show and here at the Ford Dealership. They seem to have some great deals!"

Maxwell smiled at her. "They sure do, Cassandra. So we have some guests already here at the Ford Dealership. We're going to have them step up to the stage and ask you a question."


"Okay. Let's get started. Our first 'asker,' since I guess she's not a caller, is Mabel." Mad Maxwell stood up and grabbed a woman who looked to be in her thirties on the stage. He gave her a microphone. "How are you doing, Mabel?"

The woman was pink with excitement and she smiled at the audience. "Good," she said.

"What is your question for Cassandra?" Maxwell asked.

"Yeah, my question for Cassandra is I just went through a divorce about six months ago and I'm struggling to get back into the dating field. I was wondering if you could use your psychic powers and give me any advice," she said smiling.

Really? Cassandra thought. How am I expected to wow the audience if they don't ask me to tell the future? Cassandra would just have to turn it around so she could predict the future. Cassandra smiled at the young lady and started to ask her leading questions and "psychically" giving her answers. Maxwell had her answer two more peoples questions. One, a young man who had just graduated college, asked if he was going to get a good career. The third person was a little girl, about ten, who asked Cassandra what her future was going to be like. Cassandra answered all three of their questions with much ease. She could tell by the audience gathering at the stage and their expressions on their faces that she was wowing the audience just as she wanted to. She also noticed that the man she had seen earlier with the light blue shirt kept moving closer and closer throughout the show until he was standing right next to the stage.

After she was done Mad Maxwell thanked the little girl and Cassandra and then cut to a song. "You never cease to amaze me, Cassandra," he said. "Why don't you go enjoy some of the events? We're not going on for a little while. We're probably going to play a song or two then commercials then you again. I'll have someone get you when we're ready to go back on."

Cassandra's stomach rumbled. She was pretty hungry and she had been eyeing a carnival food stand all evening. She jumped off the stage and went straight to the food stand. A few people stopped her on her way and told her what a fantastic job she had done.

She was waiting in line when the man with the light-blue shirt came up to talk to her.

Part 2


Apr 12, 2015

Tales of 5 Kingdoms - Story 3: Alex and Kivi Part 1

The Kingdom of Siqua was one of the most beautiful Kingdoms in the land especially in the Spring. The trees that lined the salmon colored cobblestone streets were full of falling blossoms in white and pink. The colorful houses lined the sat peacefully in a row as the residents, just as colorful, played right outside. And at the end of the street was the grandest castle in the land of Quinque. There lived King Alexander; his wife, Charlotte; and their beautiful daughter, Alexandria who ruled over this happy land.

And what a happy day indeed! For Princess Alexandria, or as most called her Alex, was turning 18 today and the entire Kingdom was invited to her birthday party.

Alex stood in her dressing room as three ladies fiddled with her elaborate hair and large pink dress. "Oh, Alex, you look like a dream!" said the tallest, skinniest woman who was working on her hair.

"Thank-you, Margaret," Alex said. "But really it's because this dress you made is amazing."

Down below with a mouth full of pins the larger lady who was fixing her hem said, "Alex always looks like a dream. We barely did anything."

"Thank-you, Sylvia," she said.

"Oh, we'd do anything for you, dear," the third lady who was the smallest said as she put a silver heart shaped necklace around Alex's neck.

The three stepped in front of Alex to admire their work. Alex's long blond hair fell in large curls around her shoulders and back with the midsection pulled up in the back of her head making a bump. Her dress fit her petite frame perfectly. The top was made of a light-pink, metallic fabric with silver sequins and her sleeves went to her mid-forearm. The bottom of her dress puffed out, the top layer was a slightly darker pink then the top. And it laid on top of about ten fluffy white layers. Margaret was right, Alex did look like a dream. Alex couldn't help but smile at herself in the mirror behind the women.

"You're done," Margaret said extending her arms and smiling at Alex.

Alex curtsied at the ladies and turned to leave the dressing room but right before she got to the door she felt the top of her head and turned in alarm. "My tiara!" she exclaimed. "We forgot my tiara!"

Sylvia immediately grabbed the tiara from it's stand and put it snuggly on Alex's bump. "I'm so sorry, dear."

Alex sighed a breath of relief. "I'm a princess," she said. "I never go anywhere without my tiara." She adjusted the tiara and walked out, head held high.

"Enjoy the party, dear," the shortest one yelled after her.

Realizing that she was running late, Alex picked up the hem of her dress and started moving quickly down the corridor towards the ballroom until she saw her parents standing in front of the doors that led to the ballroom. She instead dropped her hem and approached her parents in a respectful manner. "Father. Mother," she said nodding at them. "Shouldn't you be in the ballroom greeting our guests?"

Her father spoke first. "We wanted to see our beautiful little princess first. Happy birthday, Alex."

Alex kissed her father on the cheek. "Thank-you, Father."

Her mother then stepped forward and gave her a hug. "Oh, you look all grown up! Pretty soon you'll be running this Kingdom. Where does the time go?" She stood back to look at her daughter. "It seems just like yesterday you were our perfect little baby and now you're a full grown princess!"

"And quite a charming one at that," King Alexander added.

"Thank-you, Mother," Alex said giving her mother a kiss on the cheek.

"Well, we'd better go. We'll see you in there," her father said kissing the top of Alex's head. The footmen then opened the door for the King and his partner.

Alex waited patiently in the corridor for her father to make his speech and for the footmen to open the door. Once they did, Alex stepped in lightly her head held high, her back straight, slowly waving her hand. She smiled brightly as she faced her people.

Immediately the people yelled and cheered, calling her name and saying kind things. Alex stepped forward to the banister and stopped waving to blow a kiss. The people cheered even louder. King Alexander stepped forward taking the Princesses arm.

Just as he was about to lead her down the stairs they heard gunshots and a commotion in the back. A guard told Alex and her father to get down and they obeyed.

The people of Siqua started started to scream and back up and Alex was able to see the Fortis soldiers that were terrorizing her people. Alex was alarmed, the people of Siqua and the people of Fortis had been at war since the two Kingdoms were created but neither side had ever made it to the castle. Both mostly just fought defensively.

A few Fortis soldiers saw Alex and her parents and started to go towards them. Alex's father turned to her with wide eyes. "The secret exit! Go! Now!" he yelled at her shoving her away.

"I can't abandon my people!" she yelled, tears starting to stream down her face. "I'll stay and fight!"

"No, Alexandria," her father said sternly, "Our people need a King! Come back when it's safe."


"Go!" he yelled giving her one final push.

Alex ran as fast as she could lifting her dress as she ran. Some of the Fortis soldiers started to chase her and were getting closer as she couldn't run very quickly in heels. But right before they got to her, one of her soldiers stepped in allowing her to get away.

She ran into the kitchen where a servant upon seeing her stepped into the fireplace and opened the trap door underneath to let Alex through. Alex quickly thanked her servant dropped through hearing the door slam shut behind her.

Alone, Alex got her hands and knees and started to crawl through the narrow passage way that led underneath the Kingdom's North Wall. She crawled through the end of the long tunnel and started climbing the wooden ladder. Once she got to the top she started to push on the ceiling with all her might with one hand. When that didn't work she secured her feet on the rung of her ladder and started to push with both her hands. Finally the dark-wood trap door swung open with a satisfying whoosh.

She stepped through to the light and looked around. Behind her was the Northern wall standing high. In front of her were the woods. She had gotten out of the Kingdom but she wasn't free yet. She closed the trap door and tried to hide it as best she could and then she bolted for the woods.

She tried to wipe the tears away from her face while trying to keep her dress up and her tiara on. She stepped into a large mud puddle and her heel got stuck sending her tumbling into that mud and into some bushes. She got up and started to limp until she found a small clear puddle.

She stared at her reflection. The princess that had been put together so nicely just about an hour earlier was now in pieces. She had mud and branches in her hair, her tiara was now crooked and the bump it sat on was messed up. Black eye make-up ran down her cheeks. She wasn't even sure what had happened to her necklace but that as well as one of her shoes was missing. Her once beautiful pink dress was now brown and torn up.

Alex glared at her reflection and then deciding she couldn't go any further plopped down in the mud and started to bawl.