Thanks for visiting my blog! I created this blog to be able to put my story ideas down somewhere where I could share them with my friends and family. If you're here because I sent you here, thanks!!! I love it when people read my blog!
Some things you should know; I love writing but I'm just a novice which means I'm not that good. Also I'm really bad at updating, but I'm slightly better if I think someone's actually reading my blog. But the thing I'm worst at is finishing.
Thanks for reading anyway. Please leave comments. And if you want me to continue any story leave a comment or message me on Facebook or email me.

Finished Stories: 1
Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

Aug 25, 2009

My Fairy, Kira Part 1

I've had this story idea for a while but now I'm actually writing it down:
Jordan Keithson walked silently down the crowded hall way, avoiding eye contact and bumping into people. He knew he was in trouble with the school bully, Jack, for making a fool out of him in class and wanted to avoid him at all costs. So far he hadn't seen him at all, he was almost out of school. If he could just get out and walk all the way home maybe Jack would forget about him and he could live in peace.
"Keithson," he heard a gruff voice behind him say. "I have a debt to settle with you."
Jordan turned around to see the owner of the voice, a tall muscular kid with short black messy hair and a grim expression on his face. "Right, Jack. But you see I didn't mean to insult you, the words came out before I could actually think them."
Jack rolled his eyes. "Right, and I'll just happen to hit you before I can control my fist."
Jordan ran, but before he get very far he ran into two of Jack's friends, who smiled at him.
Jack was getting closer and closer his fist coming towards Jordans face at an increasingly faster speed. When out of no where in his right ear he heard a small female voice say, "Make a wish."
"What?" Jordan asked.
"I didn't say anything, Keithson," Jack said pausing himself for a moment to say that.
"Make a wish, you idiot."
Jordan shut his eyes ready for the blow and said, "I wish I wasn't here right now." He waited a few seconds but nothing happened. He opened his eyes and looked around. He was no longer in the front of the school but in his bedroom.
"How did I get here?" Jordan asked.
"I didn't carry you, I can tell you that," the voice in his right ear said.
"Where are you?" he asked.
"I'm on your shoulder."
He looked over to his right shoulder and there was sitting a small girl, no larger then six inches. She sat comfortably crosslegged on his shoulder.
"Who are you?" he asked hitting her off his shoulder and backing up.
To his surprise she didn't fall and then he noticed the small pair of wings that sat on her shoulders busily working to keep her up. "Kira," she said.
"What are you?" he asked.
"I'm a fairy," she said.
"A fairy?"
"Yes, your fairy."
"My fairy?"
"Yes! You ask way to many questions."
Jordan leaned down to observe her considering she had landed softly on one of his bedposts. She was wearing a dark blue dress that was torn at every edge except the neck opening. Her hair sat in a messy pony tail on her shoulders. Her small green eyes accompanied the mischevious look that she had in them.

Part 2

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