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Some things you should know; I love writing but I'm just a novice which means I'm not that good. Also I'm really bad at updating, but I'm slightly better if I think someone's actually reading my blog. But the thing I'm worst at is finishing.
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Finished Stories: 1
Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

Sep 14, 2014

Tales of 5 Kingdoms - Story 1: The Queen Who Never Smiled Part 1

This is definitely how I've felt sometimes.  I was inspired to write this story when I was in my bed feeling quite lonely.  Please don't be offended or off put about the depressing nature of this story and the main protagonist.  I realize there are many false-hoods about this story, but these represent my own opinions of how depression works and what it means.

Once upon a time there was a land named Quinque.  On this land five different kingdoms were settled.  The first tale begins in the Kingdom Mirable ruled by Queen Sara.

Mirable has had it's hardships in the past but now is a joyous, self-sufficient kingdom where all the people have plenty to eat, their is plenty of work for the people to do, and crime rates are at an all time low.  The people are happy and have time to celebrate and to enjoy life.  For this they have Queen Sara to thank.

Queen Sara is one of the most generous rulers the people of Mirable have ever have.  The second she came into power she sold many of the unnecessary possessions her family had and managed to get the kingdom out of debt among the other kingdoms.  She was able to get the people to chip in to get more public services so that everyone had a place to stay and food to eat.  She spends every day among the people of her kingdom serving them and parting with her own goods faster then she asks for goods of others.  And if she does it is only to help those in her kingdom in need of help.  The people of Mirable love Queen Sara but one thing about the queen disturbs them.

The queen, although living in one of the prosperous times of her kingdom, seems to be always be sad.  Not a single soul in Mirable can say that they have ever seen Queen Sara smile.  This is her tale.

Queen Sara sat in the middle of her bed staring at the curtains above her.  Once again she hadn't been able to sleep.  Tonight she had been thinking about how lonely she was.  She hated how huge her bed was, it made her feel even more lonely.  Sure the palace was filled with workers, some of them would even be awake already getting ready for the day, but she still felt like she was all alone.

Her family was long gone at this point.  Sara thought about them, her mother in particular.  Her mother had been a lot like her.  That is, she had been depressed like Sara.  She would spend many days in bed.  She would cry multiple times a month.  She remembered the day her mother had died.  Her mother had called her in to be at the side of her bed.

"I worry about you, Sara," her mom said putting her hand on Sara's cheek.  "I see a lot of me in you and I worry you may never be happy no matter how good things are for you."

Sara thought about this.  "What can I do to be happy?" she asked.

"I don't know, my child.  Whatever you do, don't be self-indulgent.  This won't make you happy.  You cannot fill your life with things and expect those things to fill in the gap.  Your father, he's what made me happy.  And you, my dear.  You've always been such a good child.  Such a generous child," she said smiling a little bit.  "Don't change, Sara.  Don't get greedy."

Sara thought about this often.  It was true what made Sara most happy of all was to see others happy.  Yet, no matter how much this happened Sara always felt heavy like she had to carry a weight with her.

Depression is what the doctors diagnosed her with.  Severe depression.  They were surprised that Sara was able to function in society as well as she did.  "It's hard," Sara admitted, "Sometimes I feel like giving up but I have a duty to fulfill.  The days I feel like not getting out of bed or not working I simply think of the children and those who are suffering that I have the ability to help.  That's what gets me out of bed.  My people are what makes me happy"

"Of course," the doctor said.  "But yet, you never smile even when your people are happy."

"Queen Sara?" she heard one of the girls that worked in her palace come in.  Was it time to wake up already?

"Yes," the queen said.  "I'm awake."

The girl smiled, gave a quick bow to her queen, and then left.

The queen unwrapped herself from her covers and got out of bed.  She walked down the cold stone stairs to a table that was much to long.  On the end was her breakfast; eggs, bacon, and toast.  She sat down by herself once again filled with a feeling of extreme loneliness but luckily for her it was not for long.


  1. Hi Ash. Thanks for the story. Glad to see you writing again. Love you.

  2. So when do George and Jorge get into their fight?
