Thanks for visiting my blog! I created this blog to be able to put my story ideas down somewhere where I could share them with my friends and family. If you're here because I sent you here, thanks!!! I love it when people read my blog!
Some things you should know; I love writing but I'm just a novice which means I'm not that good. Also I'm really bad at updating, but I'm slightly better if I think someone's actually reading my blog. But the thing I'm worst at is finishing.
Thanks for reading anyway. Please leave comments. And if you want me to continue any story leave a comment or message me on Facebook or email me.

Finished Stories: 1
Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

Dec 27, 2010

Learning to Live With El Part 1

Was there anything more delightful then a sweater right after it's come out of the dryer. I grabbed my red sweater right out and put it right next to my face smelling the detergent and feeling the warmth. I then slipped it over my head and put it on.
I walked out of the kitchen and to my bedroom where my husband, Mike, and my five year old son, Duncan, are laying on the bed reading a book. When I walk in Mike winks at me but continues reading.
"Who wants to go sledding?" I ask to the room.
Immediately Duncan is no longer interested in the book but instead is interested in what I said. "Oh! Me! Me! I do! I do!" he yells.
"Hmm," I say, "I really thought someone would want to go sledding with me but doesn't look like anyone does. Daddy, do you want to go sledding with me?"
Mike laughs. "Well, maybe, but we can't just leave Duncan home alone."
"I want to go. I really, really do," Duncan says.
"Duncan, do you want to go sledding?" I ask, teasing.
"Yes!" he says.
"Well, then, let's go," I say grabbing him off the bed and setting him on the ground, "Go get your snow stuff on."
Mike grabs me around the waist and we walk out together following Duncan who has already ran out.
"Uh! Uh!" Duncan grunts as he tries to reach the box full of our winter gear.
"Here, let me," Mike says pulling it down. Once he does Duncan starts looking for his stuff like it's buried treasure.
Mike also leans down and starts gently pulling out his and my winter gear. After we put on our coats, snow pants, earmuffs or hats, mittens or gloves, boots, and scarves we're finally ready to face the elements.
"Let's go," I say right as the phone starts to ring, "Right after I answer the phone." And I go to answer it.
"Are you excited to go sledding?" Mike asks Duncan while I'm leaving.
I grab the receiver and say, "Hello?"
"Hello. Is Mrs. Symphony Ausman there?" a rough voice asks.
Please don't be a telemarketer, I think. "This is she," I say.
"Mrs. Ausman,this is the police, we regret to inform you that your sister, Harmony Meachum, and your brother-in-law, Tomas Meachum, were killed in an awful automobile accident," the voice said.
I started wishing for that telemarketer. "No," I say.
"I'm sorry."
"Are the kids okay?"
"I'm afraid not. The car was completely squashed. No survivors. Emma, Edward, and Eva were killed too," he said.
"Oh, no. Oh, no," I say as I start to cry. Then I realize he hasn't named all the kids. He's forgotten the eldest.
"What about El?" I ask with a hopeful heart.
"Ella Meachum is here at the police station waiting for you. If you could come pick her up as soon as possible-"
"I'll be there right away," I say hanging up.
I slowly walk into the front hall. Mike who sees that I'm crying immediately stands up and hugs me. "Who was that? What's wrong?" he asks holding me in his arms.
"That was the police, they were calling to tell me that Harmony and her entire family is . . . is . . . gone. All except El," I say.
"Are we going sledding, mommy?" Duncan asks grabbing my pant leg.
I pick him up holding him close. "No, I'm afraid not. Aunt Harmony, Uncle Tom, Em, Ed, and Ev have gone to heaven," I explained.
"Why?" he asks.
"I don't know, Duncan, I don't know," I say kissing him. I then turn back to Mike, "We have to go to the station to pick up El."
He nods solemnly and we go out to the car.
Learning to Live With El Part 2

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