Thanks for visiting my blog! I created this blog to be able to put my story ideas down somewhere where I could share them with my friends and family. If you're here because I sent you here, thanks!!! I love it when people read my blog!
Some things you should know; I love writing but I'm just a novice which means I'm not that good. Also I'm really bad at updating, but I'm slightly better if I think someone's actually reading my blog. But the thing I'm worst at is finishing.
Thanks for reading anyway. Please leave comments. And if you want me to continue any story leave a comment or message me on Facebook or email me.

Finished Stories: 1
Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

Nov 20, 2016

Cassandra the All Knowing Part 3

Part 2

When Mad Maxwell saw Cassandra he offered her his hand and brought her back on stage. "You ready for round two?" he asked her. She solemnly nodded to him barely taking her eyes off of Anton.

"Okay," Mad Maxwell said into the microphone. "We're back with the beautiful and astonishing Cassandra."

He paused expecting her to say something but she was still pretty shook up. Mad Maxwell continued. "You completely continue to baffle me, Cassandra. How do you do what you do?"

Cassandra snapped out of it and looked at Mad Maxwell. "Just a gift, I guess," she said.

"Well, we're going to continue taking questions for Cassandra. What's your name, sir?" Mad Maxwell asked an older gentleman that came on stage. Geoffrey, Cassandra thought to herself. He's going to ask me about his son being unemployed. This is my chance to impress everyone.

"Geoffrey," the man said.

"And what is your question, Geoffrey?" Mad Maxwell asked.

"Mad Maxwell," Cassandra said before the man could speak. "If I could interrupt, he is wondering about his son who was recently laid off. Your worried because he's struggling finding another job. Is that right?"

The man looked astonished. "Yes," he said.

She couldn't help but smirk. This was going to be a piece of cake. "He will find another job in two and a half weeks on a Wednesday, after going to an interview at a grocery store. They will give him a cashier position which of course isn't ideal and doesn't pay too much. But after about five months or so he will be promoted to manager which even though it doesn't pay that much more he'll enjoy it a lot more." Cassandra faced the audience with a smile, typically she didn't put in that many details but she knew this time that she would be absolutely right.

"Will he get a better job after that?" the man asked her.

She thought about it for a second. "No," she said. "Because he won't look for another job after that. The spirits might tell me something different if he were to look. He will stay at the grocery store until he retires but he will continue to get raises in the current timeline. I believe Melody wants to ask me about her love life."

The girl that Cassandra had seen was Melody looked at her in surprise. Mad Maxwell looked at Cassandra and then at the next girl in line, he gestured for the old man to step down. "Are you Melody?" Mad Maxwell asked her.

"I am," she said. "I recently broke up with my boyfriend and I wanted to see if there were any prospects on the horizon."

"Yes," Cassandra answered. "In three weeks time you will meet a man at your favorite coffee shop, The Brew, while you are with your friends . . . Heather and Jen. This guy and you will hit it off but he won't ask you at until he finds you twice more at The Brew. The second time which will be in five weeks, you will be by yourself, and he will ask you out."

"Will he ask me out sooner if I go by myself the first time?" she asked.

Cassandra played this scenario out in her head. "He will be less reluctant to talk to you but he still won't ask you out until the third time he sees you."

"Is there any way to speed it up? What's his name?" Melody asked starting to get excited.

Mad Maxwell looked at Cassandra cautiously. But Cassandra just smiled back. "Tim," she said. "And, dear, you could always ask him out. I see that he will not be intimidated by this and will accept the invitation. Invite him to get coffee, just the two of you. He will not only say yes but he will insist on paying and ask for another date."

Melody looked excited at Mad Maxwell. "Well, I got to say, Cassandra, you sound really sure of yourself," Mad Maxwell said.

"There's no need for hesitation when you know you're right, Mad Maxwell," she said. "I sound sure of myself because I am sure. We'll see. Melody, if you meet this man in three weeks time, you be sure to give Mr. Maxwell a call won't you."

"Of course," said Melody.

"I look forward to that call," Mad Maxwell said. Ignoring the next person in line he turned to face. "Now I have a question for Cassandra."

She smiled at him. "Yes, Mad Maxwell, your producer will be happy with your show tonight."

He laughed. "That's great. Well, that's all the time we have with Cassandra. Thanks, Cassandra, for coming. We always love having you."

"I always love being here. And if your driving home please avoid Main Street there is about to be a traffic jam," she said.

"Well, we got to go to commercial. Once we get back our next guest, local celebrity, Jasmine aka JazMakeUp, will be talking about her YouTube channel and some of the exciting things she has happening in the future so you're not going to want to miss that." he said.

He turned to Cassandra in astonishment. "How did you know Melody's name and what everyone was going to ask?"

Cassandra winked at him. "I'm a psychic," she said.

"Well, color me impressed," he said. "You'll be invited to be back on my show very soon . . . that is if what you said about my producer is correct."

"It will be," she said. "Thanks, Mad Maxwell."

Cassandra walked off stage feeling pretty smug. This is what she always wanted, she was going to become famous with this gift.

"It's great, right?" she heard from behind her. Anton picked up his pace so he was right beside her.

Cassandra muffled a frustrated groan. She had almost completely forgotten about Anton.

Anton looked at her. "What time is good for a date?" he said.

"Not sure," she said. And she wasn't. For some reason she couldn't foresee what her week would be like.

"How about after your audition on Friday?" he said.

"What audition on Friday?" she said.

"Well, right now, you're already thinking about calling the local tv studio and demanding an audition. That's going to be on Friday," he said.

"How come I don't see that?" she said.

"You can't see everything in your own future," he said. "Because your actions could change based on the visions they're too fluent. Sort of like a paradox. Other people are more set in stone because they don't know what is to come."

Cassandra just stared at him.

"Friday, after your audition then?" he said giving her a weary look.

"Yeah, fine, whatever," she said.

"Great," he said. "Look forward to it."

Cassandra watched him run away and actually did groan. She really wasn't looking forward to going out with him. But as she was thinking about how she didn't want to go with him she got a vision of a loophole. He couldn't take the gift away whether she went with him or not.

Part 4


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