Thanks for visiting my blog! I created this blog to be able to put my story ideas down somewhere where I could share them with my friends and family. If you're here because I sent you here, thanks!!! I love it when people read my blog!
Some things you should know; I love writing but I'm just a novice which means I'm not that good. Also I'm really bad at updating, but I'm slightly better if I think someone's actually reading my blog. But the thing I'm worst at is finishing.
Thanks for reading anyway. Please leave comments. And if you want me to continue any story leave a comment or message me on Facebook or email me.

Finished Stories: 1
Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

Apr 4, 2017

Cassandra the All-Knowing Part 9

Part 8

Cassandra walked into the television studio feeling a bit nervous. She was about to film in front of an audience, an audience she would have to convince quickly. She took a deep breath and felt a lot more confident. She had wanted this her entire life and she would succeed. She smiled as Lizzie led her to the studio. They had advertised for people to come be in the studio audience and the seats were already filling up.

Devin looked at her skeptically. "Don't mess this up. We spent a lot of money making this set and getting everything ready for you."

"Don't worry, Devin," she said. "I'm good at what I do."

"Hmm," he mumbled still looking skeptical.

She took another deep breath and walked to where she was supposed to sit. They had decided that they were going to go with a modern day psychic look so instead of beads and glass balls. The set was incredibly simple with light blues and greens and a wooden stool. Cassandra, herself, was asked to wear black pants and a forest green shoulderless shirt that matched the color schemes of the set. She only wore a silver necklace for jewelry and black shoes with low heels.

After a few last minute adjustments and the rest of the audience coming in, they were ready to start. Cassandra looked at the camera and said the lines that she had memorized. "Hello future-seekers, my names is Cassandra the All-Knowing, your metaphysical guide to all things unknown to come. Join me as we set out on this adventure of spirit and find answers. We already have people lining up at the microphone to ask me, Cassandra the All-Knowing, what they do not know. Go ahead, Keegan."

"Yes, I recently lost a lot of weight on a diet that I went on. Will I be able to keep it off?" he asked.

Typically she would hate questions like this since the answers are so simple anyone could tell him what they are but in this case, it was good that the answers were so straightforward as it would make her sound more believable. Plus she saw that this guy had a chip addiction something she was sure he would confirm once she confronted him. "You look fantastic, by the way," she said.

"Thanks," he said.

"I see in your future that this quest of keeping the weight off will come with great difficulty. I recommend not going down the chip aisle as I see that is something you struggle with. Cheese puffs are your weakness," she said.

He looked at her upset. "That's rude," he said. "Why would you assume I have a problem with cheese puffs?"

No, she thought to herself. He was supposed to confirm what she said not deny it. She looked around the studio anxiously people were looking at each other skeptical of her. She had to save this. "It's true, though, right? I didn't assume it, I saw it because I'm psychic," she said.

People were not starting to mumble. Devin looked at the audience and then walked on stage. "You know what, let's go onto the next question," he said. The guy handed the microphone to a girl behind him in line giving Cassandra a dirty look. Devin walked over. "Try to be careful with your 'visions.' We don't want to offend people. And also you are sounding incredibly unbelievable so try to sound a bit more believable, alright?"

Cassandra nodded at him. "Alright, Lena, go ahead," she said feeling a bit shook up.

Lena looked to be about sixteen and she looked skeptically at Cassandra and then at a woman next to her who Cassandra thought might be her Mom. Her mom shrugged at her. Cassandra felt like this was a good time to intervene. "You were going to ask me about cheerleading tryouts and if you got on the team. I know Trojan High can be quite brutal -"

"Did you tell her that I was going to ask about that?" Lena said angrily at her mom. This was good, her Mom would say that she hadn't and this would serve as proof.

Her mom said something inaudible to the audience. "Why don't you hand your mom the microphone?" Cassandra said. "I'm sure she'll tell you that she was not the one to tell me."

"You're right, she says that she didn't tell you but your studio must have found out somehow and it's freaking both of us out," she said.

"You'll make the team!" Cassandra said loudly feeling frustrated.

"You don't know that," Lena said.

The audience started mumbling louder. And then to Cassandra's horror, a few people stood up to leave. Seeing that others were leaving a lot more people also stood up shuffling towards the exits.

"No, wait, don't leave," Cassandra called after them. "I can prove that I'm a psychic. I can tell you something that is just about to happen. What's on TV right now?" A few people started to laugh at her.

Cassandra was losing them even more. "The man wearing red is about to trip," she said. The guy wearing red stopped to look at her. "Well, he was about to before I warned him."

People kept leaving. "Wait! I can tell you anything! Who the next president will be! Who will win the Superbowl! The World Cup! Please don't go!" They ignored her. Cassandra put her head in her hands, she felt like crying.

"Alright, that's quite enough. This isn't going to work. I'm so sorry to bother all of you but we're not going to make this show. Thanks for coming out," he said to the audience. Those who had stayed behind started to leave.

He shot Cassandra a frustrated look. "Look, I'm not sure how you fooled me before but it's pretty obvious that you're terrible at this," he said to her. "I'm going to need you to leave."

"No," she said. "I proved that I was a psychic, right? With the cars and the lady."

"Yeah, not sure how you did that but a broken clock is right twice a day," he said.

"That was too much to be coincidental. That's like saying a broken clock is right at one, one o'one, one o'two, one o'three, one o'four, and one o'five. I really am a psychic," she said.

"Wow, she sounds desperate," Cassandra heard Lizzie say. "I can't believe that I ever thought this girl was cool."

"Cassandra," he said sounding like he was about to loose his temper. "I need you to leave, now!"

"Devin -" she said hoping to get sympathy.

"Lizzie, call security," he said.

"No," Cassandra said. "I'll leave."

Part 10


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