Thanks for visiting my blog! I created this blog to be able to put my story ideas down somewhere where I could share them with my friends and family. If you're here because I sent you here, thanks!!! I love it when people read my blog!
Some things you should know; I love writing but I'm just a novice which means I'm not that good. Also I'm really bad at updating, but I'm slightly better if I think someone's actually reading my blog. But the thing I'm worst at is finishing.
Thanks for reading anyway. Please leave comments. And if you want me to continue any story leave a comment or message me on Facebook or email me.

Finished Stories: 1
Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

Oct 3, 2018

Cassandra the All Knowing Part 13

Part 12

After, her radio show Cassandra had lost every single one of her clients.  And any walk-ins she would immediately scare off.  But her problems got really bad when Xanthe walked back in.

"Hey Cassie," she said.

"Xanthe!  Let me guess, you're here to kick me out," Cassandra replied.

"Well, you haven't paid your rent and also your giving our tattoo shop terrible reviews.  Look, I'm sorry, but we already found someone else to replace you," Xanthe said.

"Yippee!  She's Romanian, right?  The real deal, right?  Yeah, Xanthe, the real deal, she's so fake she might as well be I Can't Believe it's Not Butter," Cassandra said.

"Yeah, so you have until the end of this week."

"No need.  I'm already packed up.  Tell your Romanian chick that the room is hers.  Also, I just can't wait until you get that nipple infection due to a bad nipple ring.  Yikes!  That's going to be fun."  Cassandra grabbed her bags and started to leave.

She walked for a while and then sat down in front of a different building and started to laugh.  Her entire life had fallen apart.  She had lost her dream, her job, and now she was homeless.  All because she didn't go on a date with a guy.  Her life was a disaster.  A little kid walked by and hid behind his mother who glared at her.

"Oh, do I scare you?" she asked in a fake sweet voice.  "Yeah, well, you should be scared of failing fifth grade!"

His mom glared at Cassandra even more and quickly walked away.  "I could tell you how to not fail, but you don't want to hear that.  You don't believe me.  Nobody believes me!"  Cassandra yelled after them.

"But they'll see.  They'll all see.  'Oh, Cassandra,' they'll say.  'We should have listened to you,' they'll say.  'You could have saved us,' they'll say.  And I'll just laugh in their face and tell them that I knew," she said to herself.

"Because I do know!" she yelled at a couple passing by.  "Just like I know you're going to get a divorce!"  The couple looked at her and walked off.

So, that became Cassandra's life.  She would yell at random people terrible things that were going to happen at them and then just laugh when they didn't believe her.  She slept on the streets under some of the blankets she had packed.  She could always see when there would be danger on her corner or if the police were coming so she always knew how to move.  She could also see where people would throw out food or loose money which she used if she got hungry.

She wasn't really planning on trying to get better or for people to believe her, but she formed a plan when a couple of band kids walked by.  She was just yelling at them like anyone else.  "You guys like playing instruments, do you?  Well, I'm sure you'll have fun playing your instruments when they're destroyed in a fire!"

That's when it occurred to her.  "The fire," she said to herself.  "There's going to be a fire at Trojan High School."  She started to laugh.  "Yes.  Yes.  I see it.  It's going to be a huge news story.  36 dead.  49 more injured.  And me, I know about it."

She paused for a second and then stood up.  "Well, I think it's my job to warn them.  After all, it is a tragic event."

Part 14

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