Thanks for visiting my blog! I created this blog to be able to put my story ideas down somewhere where I could share them with my friends and family. If you're here because I sent you here, thanks!!! I love it when people read my blog!
Some things you should know; I love writing but I'm just a novice which means I'm not that good. Also I'm really bad at updating, but I'm slightly better if I think someone's actually reading my blog. But the thing I'm worst at is finishing.
Thanks for reading anyway. Please leave comments. And if you want me to continue any story leave a comment or message me on Facebook or email me.

Finished Stories: 1
Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

Aug 30, 2010

Too Odd

Have you ever woken up from a dream and wondered "how did that make sense in my dream?" That's what happened to me. But this time it was mind boggling confusing that I questioned my subconscious for even conjuring such a peculiar situation up.
So my dream started out with me going to my friend's, Cheyenne (1), house and also bringing my friend, Cheyenne (2), with me. If you're not following me, yes, they're the same person. Basically the first thing we did was watch this reality TV show that I was on.
The TV show was some sort of race to the finish line with some sort of challenge included. So we had to run around this park with this little girl that we were babysitting (babysitting was the challenge) and collect these letters that were lying around. We then had to stick these letters up on a wall and then we were done. We finished like ten minutes before the other team. So we went to my Aunt Becky and she said that she would tell the host that we had finished then she left to do that. (No one knows why he wasn't paying attention anyway.) So finally when the other team finished they came up to us and told us that they had won. We told them that we finished before them so we had won. They told us that the host had told them that they had won. So anyway they won.
So we wanted to watch the next episode to see what happened and why we lost but they never went over it again and our team didn't even seem to care anymore.
Anyway, back to Cheyenne's (1) house. So sometime during one of these episodes, Cheyenne's mom asked me if I wanted to see her library. And I told her as soon as this episode was over and I was sure Cheyenne (2) wanted to see it too and Cheyenne (1) could give us a tour. But we never did go to that library. Because as soon as the second episode was over we sat down to eat dinner with Cheyenne's family.
During dinner I sat by Cheyenne (1) and sat across from Cheyenne (2) and talked to them completely separately. Like during one part of dinner I was playing a game with Cheyenne (1) and she wrote down "Nicolas Cage" but she spelled Cage, Vage. So her mom comes up and says, "It's spelled with a k, dear." And Cheyenne (2) says, "I always thought it was spelled with an s." And I said, "Really, I always thought it was spelled with a c." Then I woke up.
That's the summary of my dream I just thought it was odd that Cheyenne was in it twice. And what's weird is Cheyenne (1) is like the Cheyenne that I hang out with at her house and Cheyenne (2) is the one that I take to Young Womens. It was very odd.

Aug 29, 2010

A Smile that can Light Up any Song

One thing I learned at Center Stage was to always smile while singing. And that's one thing that made their shows amazing. I decided to apply the smile while you sing concept to hymns. I'm amazed at the results from this simple concept.
When singing wonderful hymns, smiling definitely invites the spirit. As does thinking about the words.
Today we had a farewell for a young man in our ward and the youth sang the youth medley "As Sisters in Zion - Army of Heleman". This song is normally spiritual but by smiling I felt much more spiritual. Not only that but a few women came up to me later and thanked me for my smile.
So basically a smile is a wonderful device and should be used during singing. It will make you feel so good.

Aug 28, 2010

Turn of Fate

Before I start writing, this is not a sad story. It's a story of a positive attitude when everything is going wrong based loosely on the story of Job, but it's way different. Same concept, different story.

When I was born fate looked down at me and said, "How can we make her as miserable as possible, but still keep her alive?"
I was born blind and paralyzed from the waist down. This made it impossible for me to navigate myself anywhere.
When I was five I lost my parents making me an orphan. I was sent to an orphanage for the disabled. Nobody wants a five-year-old blind girl so I never got adopted. By the time I was eight the orphanage closed down because of inefficient funding. So I was sent to the home that my younger sister lived in.
I was treated awful in that home. My sister was sent out to many foster homes but no families would take me. The teachers and other orphans hated me and my needs. I swear some that I was deaf as well, but I could definitely hear the things that were saying.
When I was eighteen my sister and I moved out and found our own place. There never seems to be enough money.
By the way, fate failed. Their goal was to make me miserable but I know how to make a delicious lemonade out of lemons. No matter how many times I'm told I have an awful life I don't believe it. After all I have a loving sister who will do anything for me. I have food to eat, a place to live.
But this story isn't about my supposedly horrid life this is how fate got sick of my gung-ho attitude and gave up trying to make me miserable. This is how my life changed.