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Some things you should know; I love writing but I'm just a novice which means I'm not that good. Also I'm really bad at updating, but I'm slightly better if I think someone's actually reading my blog. But the thing I'm worst at is finishing.
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Finished Stories: 1
Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

Nov 21, 2010

TV Show Idea 1: Rutherford's Boys

This is a TV show idea. I would love to be a TV writer but I would never get hired because I'm not as dirty as other TV writers and I'm not very good or funny either. Plus, I'd have to work with other people. Ugh. Anyway, this show which right now is called Rutherford's Boys (okay it's the dumbest title ever, but it's all I could come up with)is about five boys, their friendship, and their band. It's total fluff, not a lot of depth, and mostly just meant to be funny. There's a few morals, a few twists, and stuff like that. I feel like I'm just rambling so I'll get to the point. I'm going to introduce the setting, the characters, and maybe start writing the first episode.

It takes place in modern times at Hayes Boarding School (that where Rutherford comes from). The band is called "Rutherford's Boys", unless I can think of a better name.

The Boys of Rutherford's Boys:

Dick Drescher: (Lead Singer)
Hair Color: dirty blond
Eye Color: blue
Height: 6'2
Dick Drescher or Drescher as everyone calls him is your stereotypical football player. Well, he would be if he wasn't failing math. He does like football though, that and girls, oh, and food. He's considered a little dense by his peers. He's also the lead singer for the Rutherford's Boys. Nobody expected him to have "the voice of an angel," so when he auditioned everyone was surprised. His best friend is Andee.

Andee Walton: (Drummer)
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'9
Andee is the one of the new students to Hayes Boarding School. He came with his political beliefs and his drumsticks. Andee beliefs in equality. Not that everyone should have the same amount of things but that everyone should get an equal chance for everything. And he's willing to fight for it. As well as being politically active he's also an amazing drummer. He made fast friends with Drescher which no one really understands since the two of them are complete opposites.

Tomas Ito: (Guitar)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Very Dark Brown
Height: 5'4
Tomas Ito is, like most students, at Hayes thanks to the help of a scholarship aid. He's here on a fullride academic scholarship. He's not only smart but he also has mean guitar skills. He's also sure that Rutherford's Boys will look good on college applications. Tomas can be considered a little stuck up at times but he's a good friend.

Cody Walker: (Keyboard)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'10
Cody is the leader of the Rutherford's Boys. It was his idea to start the band, and with the help of his best friend Stephen, he did it. Cody and Stephen have been playing together for years. Cody's a computer whiz, which definitely helped him with the keyboard and the sound of the band. He's sympathetic and a dreamer. Cody knows what he wants and he goes for it. He writes all the songs for the Rutherford's Boys. He's also really good friends with all the band members.

Stephen Hawking: (Bass)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5'10
Stephen acts tough but he's a lot softer then he seems. Stephen who has known Cody his whole life has always looked out for him. The two of them are best friends. So one day, when Cody and him were playing together, he was all for Cody's idea of starting a band. Besides Cody, Stephen doesn't really get along with other band members. Especially Andee who has no problem telling Stephen off. But he tolerates them, and even if he doesn't get along with them his bass gets along with their instruments.

Okay, so I put the characters in a weird order. I should have put them in the order that I'm planning on them being introduced: Cody, Stephen, Andee, Drescher, and Tomas. But I put them in the order that I thought of the names.

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