Thanks for visiting my blog! I created this blog to be able to put my story ideas down somewhere where I could share them with my friends and family. If you're here because I sent you here, thanks!!! I love it when people read my blog!
Some things you should know; I love writing but I'm just a novice which means I'm not that good. Also I'm really bad at updating, but I'm slightly better if I think someone's actually reading my blog. But the thing I'm worst at is finishing.
Thanks for reading anyway. Please leave comments. And if you want me to continue any story leave a comment or message me on Facebook or email me.

Finished Stories: 1
Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

Jul 18, 2011

The The Superior 4: The Beginning

Rachel frowned as her friend Brittany whispered to her, "Don't look now but Micheal is staring at you again. Wow, he really has a thing for you, doesn't he?"
"Whatever," she said glaring at him. Micheal had to have been the least popular boy in school.
"What do you have next again, Rachel?" her friend Ashlynn asked.
"Weight Lifting," she said with a groan.
"I hate that class. Coach Moore makes us work so hard. He makes us lift as much weight as we can and he always knows when we're cheating," Brittany said.
I can fool him, Rachel thought, laughing silently in her head. But then again she could also lift the entire machine over her head without even flinching.
"Seriously, when is he going to get the hint and stop staring at me," she said to her friends. And right then he got the hint and started staring at some hippie girl named Livvy.
Livvy Lynn shuddered as she realized that Micheal was starring at her again. She broke her attention from the conversation that she'd been listening to and looked straight at him. It was really the birds that she'd been listening to that had brought his staring to her attention. She went back to listening to them. Typically she avoided talking to the birds while she with human people but she enjoyed listening to them. Sometimes they were more interesting then her human friends.
She looked back at him and he wasn't staring at her again and calmed down.
"Dude, are coming bowling with us tonight," Ty asked Cody Chase on another side of the cafeteria.
"Oh yeah, wouldn't miss it," Cody said.
"Dude, last time you said that you totally missed it," Ty said.
Yeah, because last time you asked one of my clones and I can't retain any of those memories, Cody thought. "Sorry, dude, I totally forgot but this time I'll remember for sure."
Right then something caught Cody's eye. Why the heck is Micheal Mortenson staring at me again? he thought.
That's when Micheal got up and left.

Rachel Rover opened her locker and a note fell out. Her friend Brittany picked it up and laughed. "Rachel check this out:
'Dear Rachel Rover,
'I know your secret. If you wish to keep it hidden you'll come to 678 S. 1200 W. at 7 o'clock tonight. I'll see you there. Come alone.' Doesn't say who sent it. But there's a weird little picture at the bottom of a weight. Weird. Is there a secret that you're hiding," she said.
Rachel took the note from her and stared at it. Meanwhile in other parts of the school Livvy and Cody were also opening their lockers and finding similar notes with one difference. Livvy had a picture of a deer and a bird and Cody found a picture of three identical black silhouettes.

Livvy's heart beat quickly as she sped walked up to the address she had been told to go to. She could swear that she'd been followed for the last half-mile. The mysterious note wasn't helping at all either. She was finally at the house that she been going to but it didn't help.
Suddenly she heard a crunch and she couldn't take it anymore. "Is someone there?" she yelled out.
She heard the footsteps speed up as one of the boys she recognized from her geography class joined her.
"Livvy?" he asked.
"Cody?" she said.
"What are two losers doing here? Don't tell me that you're the ones who sent the weird note," Rachel said.
"Did the note tell you to come here at 7 o'clock? And said that they knew your secret?" Livvy asked.
"Yep," she said.
"I got one of those too," Livvy said.
"Me too," Cody said.
"So if it's not from either of you, who was it from?" Rachel asked.
"I guess we'll find out," Cody said heading to the door. He gave it a strong knock.
Less then a few seconds later the door swung open and their host stared at them.
"Micheal Mortenson. Wow, what a surprise there. I'm out," Rachel said.
"Wait, Rachel, I know you're curious why you're here. I know you're curious how I know you're secret. And I know you know exactly what secret I'm talking about."
She turned around and faced him. "If you touch me I will beat you up," she said.
"Don't worry that's one fight I would like to avoid and I have absolutely no interest in kissing you. Actually I asked all three of you to come here to ask for your help. I'm fully aware of your unique abilities and although you've never used them to help anyone I think with a little training we could make it work,"
"Special abilities?" Livvy asked.
"Yes, Livvy, you're incredible ability to speak to and command animals. Cody's ability to clone himself. And Rachel's amazing super strength," he said.
"How the heck to know about that Mortenson?" Rachel asked.
"Because Rachel, I too have an amazing ability. I can read minds. That's how I know you've been pretending for years that you could lift less then you can. I've been able to know what animals have been saying through Livvy's mind. And I've been able to know that Cody skipped school on Monday and instead sent a clone. And it's how I know right now that all of you are doubtful and confused," he said. "So let's demonstrate our powers for each other to lessen the confusion. Follow me."
They followed him straight into a bedroom. He moved a picture frame and revealed a panel covered with buttons. He pressed a few and the bed moved to reveal a secret passage way. The followed him down the stairs and into a large basement full of gadgets.
"Okay, Cody, would you like to go first. I would just like you to clone yourself four times," Micheal said. "And the reason I'm not going first Rachel is because I already have."
"Dude, I've never shown my power to anyone," Cody said nervously.
"It's okay. I know you can and I know you're dying to show someone your powers. Show us, we all have super powers," Micheal said.
Cody started to separate himself and suddenly there were two of him.
"Can you show us that you can do it multiple times. Just three more times if you will," Micheal said.
"Okay, fine. Easy," Cody said. He then filled the room with his clones.
"I said four times not forty," Micheal said.
"Whatever," Cody said turning all his clones into dust which flowed his direction.
"Okay, Rachel would you like to go next. Follow me," Micheal said as he started to walk away.
"I'm not super in any way. I refuse to do anything that you tell me to," Rachel said following him.
"Really, I guess you can just leave then and when we're saving the world you may just regret leaving right away," Micheal said.
"Fine. I'm super strong. I admit it. Do I still need to demonstrate it?" Rachel asked.
"It would be nice. I had an entire demonstration ready for you and everything," Micheal said.
"Fine. Whatever, what do you want me to do?" she asked putting her hands on her hips and leaning to the right.
"I have this box weighing at least 400 pounds. I just need you to pick it up for me and put it over head. Easy for you right," Micheal said.
"Whatever," she said. She did exactly what he told her to do.
"How much do you weigh, Rachel? And don't say none of your business. I'm making a point," Micheal said.
"About 90 pounds," she said.
"Rachel can lift at least 4 times her weight without even flinching. I bet she can even lift more but I couldn't fit anymore into the box," he said. "Okay, Livvy."
"Yes," she said very loudly and quickly.
"I have a parakeet in a room -" he said.
"Okay," she said. And she started making chirping sounds.
"I wasn't done-" he said but he was cut off by flapping wings as his parakeet landed on Livvy's shoulder.
"What the? How did you do that? He was in a cage and everything. How did you?" he said.
"You're the one who can read minds," Rachel said.
"When I choose to. . . I'm not getting-" Micheal said.
"Dude, what's your point we all have super powers," Cody said interrupting.
"Right, I've asked you to come here today because there is great evil about and I can't defeat them alone. I realize that you've never used your powers to fight crime but applied correctly I believe you could do good for man-kind," Micheal said.
"What sort of crime are you talking about?" Livvy asked.
"Like robber and murderers and stuff. Can't the police take care of that?" Cody asked.
"No, there is a much greater evil -" Micheal started.
"Will you stop talking like that and just start talking like a normal person?" Rachel said. "If that's possible," she mumbled to herself.
"Fine. There's this super villain named Dr. P and I need your help to defeat him," Micheal said.
"Dr. P? What does the P stand for? What is he like? What can he do that makes him so super?" the three kids asked.
"I don't really know a lot about him but I know he's dangerous and he needs to be stopped. And I can't do that alone," he said.
"I'm in," Livvy said.
"What?" Rachel said.
"Me too," Cody said.
"What? You're just going to jump in right away. I mean, I'm not ready to reveal my secret," Rachel said.
"No need. We'd have secret identities just like in the comic books," said Micheal.
"Still. I know nothing about-" Rachel said.
"Rachel. We need you," Livvy said.
"Fine. I'm in," Rachel said.
"To the Superior 4!" Micheal yelled.
"To the Superior 4!" the others repeated.

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