Thanks for visiting my blog! I created this blog to be able to put my story ideas down somewhere where I could share them with my friends and family. If you're here because I sent you here, thanks!!! I love it when people read my blog!
Some things you should know; I love writing but I'm just a novice which means I'm not that good. Also I'm really bad at updating, but I'm slightly better if I think someone's actually reading my blog. But the thing I'm worst at is finishing.
Thanks for reading anyway. Please leave comments. And if you want me to continue any story leave a comment or message me on Facebook or email me.

Finished Stories: 1
Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

Oct 26, 2014

My Boyfriend, Cupid Part 2

My Boyfriend, Cupid Part 1

During the ride to Chase's house Gale used the opportunity to catch up with her sons lives but she mostly talked about her time in Africa. Chase lived in a small two story house that looked a lot his neighbors. It had gray stucco and some faux stone siding. It looked completely normal on the outside but once we walked in I was surprised how feminine it looked. It was exactly how I would decorate my house; red fresh roses on the table on a white table cloth, heart-shaped decor on the wall, and it all looked incredibly clean.
"Uh, Bridgette, I guess you can sleep in the front room. I'm sorry, I really wasn't expecting you," Chase told me. It had already been decided that Gale was going to be sleeping in Todd's bedroom and Todd was going to sleep in the living room.
"That's okay, Bridgette, I can sleep in the front room, you can have the living room," Todd said. "After all you're the guest."
"Thank-you, Todd," I said. I could see the living room from the kitchen so I just went and put my suitcase down in a inconspicuous place and went back to the kitchen.
Chase stood by himself cooking dinner. "My mom and Todd are getting my mom settled in upstairs," he said. "You like macaroni? It's my mom's favorite so I thought that I'd make it for her since she just got home."
"Yeah, I like it," I said.
"So, Bridgette, why were you in Africa?" he asked me.
"Well," I started. "Before I left I was engaged to this guy. And, well, I loved him a ton. He lived kind of far away so I dropped out of school and quit my job and moved out there. And then when I got there . . . I caught him kissing another girl. On top of that he told me that he was planning on breaking up with me anyway but he 'didn't want me to think that it was about this other girl.' Needless to say, I was heart-broken. So I did what any rational person would do in my case and sold my stuff and moved to Africa."
"I see," he said.
"It was really good for me though. I stopped thinking about myself for once and started thinking about others. It really gave me perspective about what was important. I sort of wish I could of stayed there forever." I took a breath. "I guess I always knew I was only going to be there for a year but I didn't think about where I was going to stay when I got back. Sorry to put you in a such an awkward position. I thought Gale had asked you."
He chuckled. "It's really okay, honestly, I don't mind you staying here as much as I made it sound. My mom just never asks me anything. She didn't even ask me to take Todd when she left. She just sort of told me a week before she left that she was going to Africa and I asked her where Todd was saying. She was like 'with you of course, silly.'"
"She didn't even ask!?"
"Yeah, and I wasn't exactly in a position to take him in. But, what can I say, he's my brother, I would do anything for him," he said.
"That is so sweet! I wish I had a brother like you, my older brother and I aren't even talking," I said.
He just gave me a confused look.
"We kinda got into a fight at my mom's funeral and haven't talked since," I said.
"Ah," he said. He just looked at for a little while then he asked, "Bridgette, would you like to go out with me this Friday?"
I smiled. "Your mom did say that we'd be perfect for each other. So, why not?" I said trying to playful. My heart started beating faster.
He smiled back. "Never thought I'd date a girl that my mom wants me to be with," he said.

Sep 27, 2014

Tale of 5 Kingdoms

This will be filled in as I write more of these.

The Queen Who Never Smiled
Part 1

The Rebellion of Angustus

Alex and Kivi
Part 1

The Five Princes

The Bravest of Alta

Sep 16, 2014

The Robot, the Wizard, and the Popstar Episode 1: Part 1

This is another one that I wanted to to be a TV show, so the format might be a little weird.


Misty was Dr. Williams greatest creation, his proudest moment. Yet she lied there, lifeless, her hands folded on her chest. Her two pigtails hung to the side of her innocent-looking face. She wore a dark red shirt which ruffled on the bed she was lying on. She wore dark blue jeans with white flowers at the bottom and black flats. She hadn't moved for ten years and then suddenly her eyes opened glowing bright red, a mischievous smile flickered on her face.

Owen sat alone in his magic shop. He was a lanky man, tall and skinny, with messy brown hair and a look on his face that always looked like a combination of confused and concerned. He played with a slinky on his desk as he waited for a customer to come in. It was a small shop with magic kits, costumes, and other various items. Typically his customers were kids looking for a way to spend their allowance or adults looking for something to get their nieces and nephews for his birthday. He did have a few magic enthusiasts who would come in regularly and knew him by name but even they only came in once a month or less. Business was rare so he spent most of his time alone, worrying about paying next months rent.

Today had been especially worrisome and lonely as he hadn't gotten business for the last 3 days. Not even someone who was only interested in looking around while they waited for a table at the Mexican Restaurant down the street. He laid his head on his hand, shutting his eyes, almost giving up hope when he heard the bell hanging above his door ring. His head immediately shot up. The girl who had just wandered into his shop smiled sweetly at him. She was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen.

"Welcome to the House of Power," he said throwing his hand in the air, sparks flying out. "How may I help you?"

She came over to the counter where she put a teen magazine down. She flipped it open. "I'm looking for them," she said pointing to a picture of smiling boys.

"Regular Paranoia," he said. "Oh, yeah, I heard they were in town performing. But, uh, not this town. They're performing in Denver."

She cocked her head to the side. "They're here? That will make my job easier," she muttered to herself. "I'm Misty." She jutted out her hand and smiled at him.

"Owen," he said.

"Owen, I like you. I sense power in you," she said.

This startled Owen a bit. He wasn't use to such boldness, nor was he used to people associating him with power. Pathetic, maybe, but never power. "Oh?" he asked. "Well, I do do magic."

Suddenly an almost evil expression took over Misty's face. "You must help me take over the world! We will start with these guys. With my weapons and your magic, they'll have no choice but to surrender and give us the world!" She laughed cruelly.

Sep 14, 2014

Tales of 5 Kingdoms - Story 1: The Queen Who Never Smiled Part 1

This is definitely how I've felt sometimes.  I was inspired to write this story when I was in my bed feeling quite lonely.  Please don't be offended or off put about the depressing nature of this story and the main protagonist.  I realize there are many false-hoods about this story, but these represent my own opinions of how depression works and what it means.

Once upon a time there was a land named Quinque.  On this land five different kingdoms were settled.  The first tale begins in the Kingdom Mirable ruled by Queen Sara.

Mirable has had it's hardships in the past but now is a joyous, self-sufficient kingdom where all the people have plenty to eat, their is plenty of work for the people to do, and crime rates are at an all time low.  The people are happy and have time to celebrate and to enjoy life.  For this they have Queen Sara to thank.

Queen Sara is one of the most generous rulers the people of Mirable have ever have.  The second she came into power she sold many of the unnecessary possessions her family had and managed to get the kingdom out of debt among the other kingdoms.  She was able to get the people to chip in to get more public services so that everyone had a place to stay and food to eat.  She spends every day among the people of her kingdom serving them and parting with her own goods faster then she asks for goods of others.  And if she does it is only to help those in her kingdom in need of help.  The people of Mirable love Queen Sara but one thing about the queen disturbs them.

The queen, although living in one of the prosperous times of her kingdom, seems to be always be sad.  Not a single soul in Mirable can say that they have ever seen Queen Sara smile.  This is her tale.

Queen Sara sat in the middle of her bed staring at the curtains above her.  Once again she hadn't been able to sleep.  Tonight she had been thinking about how lonely she was.  She hated how huge her bed was, it made her feel even more lonely.  Sure the palace was filled with workers, some of them would even be awake already getting ready for the day, but she still felt like she was all alone.

Her family was long gone at this point.  Sara thought about them, her mother in particular.  Her mother had been a lot like her.  That is, she had been depressed like Sara.  She would spend many days in bed.  She would cry multiple times a month.  She remembered the day her mother had died.  Her mother had called her in to be at the side of her bed.

"I worry about you, Sara," her mom said putting her hand on Sara's cheek.  "I see a lot of me in you and I worry you may never be happy no matter how good things are for you."

Sara thought about this.  "What can I do to be happy?" she asked.

"I don't know, my child.  Whatever you do, don't be self-indulgent.  This won't make you happy.  You cannot fill your life with things and expect those things to fill in the gap.  Your father, he's what made me happy.  And you, my dear.  You've always been such a good child.  Such a generous child," she said smiling a little bit.  "Don't change, Sara.  Don't get greedy."

Sara thought about this often.  It was true what made Sara most happy of all was to see others happy.  Yet, no matter how much this happened Sara always felt heavy like she had to carry a weight with her.

Depression is what the doctors diagnosed her with.  Severe depression.  They were surprised that Sara was able to function in society as well as she did.  "It's hard," Sara admitted, "Sometimes I feel like giving up but I have a duty to fulfill.  The days I feel like not getting out of bed or not working I simply think of the children and those who are suffering that I have the ability to help.  That's what gets me out of bed.  My people are what makes me happy"

"Of course," the doctor said.  "But yet, you never smile even when your people are happy."

"Queen Sara?" she heard one of the girls that worked in her palace come in.  Was it time to wake up already?

"Yes," the queen said.  "I'm awake."

The girl smiled, gave a quick bow to her queen, and then left.

The queen unwrapped herself from her covers and got out of bed.  She walked down the cold stone stairs to a table that was much to long.  On the end was her breakfast; eggs, bacon, and toast.  She sat down by herself once again filled with a feeling of extreme loneliness but luckily for her it was not for long.

May 5, 2014

Something About a Princess or Not

I'm having a hard time come up with a title this one. I'm hoping it will come to me. The title I did post sucks and is so temporary that I'm hoping to get rid of it by the time that I finish this post which I obviously didn't. Oh well. Next time.

Most of the events (including the historical events) and people in this story are fiction. But God is real and he speaks to prophets today. This story may be fictional but my testimony of Christ is in these words. To learn more about my faith and the faith in this story please visit

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I took one final look around my house. I touched the banister and the walls and thought of the wonderful memories that I had of this place. My dog, Hollie, looked up at me her brown eyes full of curiosity as she could sense something was wrong but couldn't exactly tell what. "C'mon, Hollie," I said and I opened my front door for the last time.

Waiting outside was the staff that I had to let go.  This was each their last day.  I hugged the house keeper, Mrs. Perry first, she was the eldest and had been working for us since my dad was just a kid.  "Are you going to be okay?" she asked, running her hand through my hair.  She had a concerned-motherly expression on her face.

"Yeah, I'm going to be just fine," I said.  "I'm going to miss you though.  Enjoy retirement."

"Be good," she said kissing the side of my head.

Next I went in for a hug with our maid, Lori.  Tears streamed down her face.  "I can't believe this is it," she said squeezing me tightly.

"Neither can I," I said.  "Tell your kids I said good-bye.  I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too," she said.

The next was Andy.  Before I could give him a hug he held out his hand for a hand-shake.  I shook it but before I finished he pulled me in for a hug.  He didn't say anything but he smiled at me.

"Miss Hester," I heard Mr. Jenkins say.  He opened the door to my white Toyota Corolla and gestured for me to get in.  I let Hollie get in first and then I sat in the drivers seat.  "I wish you the best of luck," he told me.

"You too," I said.  He closed the door and I started the ignition ready to make the long journey to Oklahoma.