Thanks for visiting my blog! I created this blog to be able to put my story ideas down somewhere where I could share them with my friends and family. If you're here because I sent you here, thanks!!! I love it when people read my blog!
Some things you should know; I love writing but I'm just a novice which means I'm not that good. Also I'm really bad at updating, but I'm slightly better if I think someone's actually reading my blog. But the thing I'm worst at is finishing.
Thanks for reading anyway. Please leave comments. And if you want me to continue any story leave a comment or message me on Facebook or email me.

Finished Stories: 1
Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

Jan 17, 2017

Cassandra the All Knowing Part 5

Part 4

The next few days leading up to the audition went fantastic for Cassandra. Even though it had only been a short while, people were so impressed with her radio show that business had already picked up. She was almost completely booked up most of the day. And as soon as people heard how magnificent she was in person it led to them telling their friends who also tried to book appointments with her. Everyone wanted answers and Cassandra had them.

The day of the audition Cassandra dressed herself up in an outfit that she believed made her look like a modern day psychic. She wore a silver hairpiece that drooped down into her tight curls. She wore multiple colored bracelets with symboled charmes and overlapping silver and gold necklaces. She also had a few rings on. She wore a pair of dark blue jeans and above that she wore a long dark red sleeveless shirt. She wore black gladiator pumps. Her lips were a dark red to match her shirt and she had blue eyeshadow on to make her look mysterious. She took one last look in the mirror and satisfied with what she saw she walked outside with her head held up high.

Cassandra walked into the local television studio feeling confident. She looked around at the college aged kids who were interning there and found the one who had Lizzie on her name badge. Lizzie had medium length auburn hair which was pulled up in a half bun. She had a rounder face with pink lips and bright blue eyes. Upon seeing Cassandra, Lizzie's eyes lit up. "You must be Cassandra. I didn't know what you would look like. I've only ever heard you on the radio, you know. Which doesn't really give you any idea of what the person looks like. But you're what I imagine you would look like although I thought maybe you'd be older. You sound older on the radio. I thought you'd be pretty though, and you are very pretty. Very pretty and very young," she paused for moment her eyes drifting downwards and her lips turned into a confused pout. "Wait, what was I talking about?"

"I am indeed Cassandra the All Knowing. Will you be sitting with us in the audition?" Cassandra asked.

"Audition? Isn't it a show pitch?" Lizzie asked.

"I was hoping for something a bit more theatrical. People watching me as I give them answers to the things they most desire to know. Like you, Lizzie, I know that you would like to ask me about your future in the television and film industry and this is the sort of question I would like to answer in front of many people," Cassandra said looking Lizzie directly into her eyes.

Lizzie looked away quickly. "Jason?" she yelled behind her. "Cassandra, the psychic lady, is here."

She saw a man who looked to be in his mid twenties come in. He didn't look too old but his dark brown hair was already receding. He wore a pair of glasses and had a concerned look on his face.

Once Lizzie saw him she said to him, "Jason, Cassandra wants a bunch of people watching her perform."

Jason blinked at her. "Okay? Why?" he asked.

"Jason," Cassandra said before Lizzie could speak. "You are a showman, are you not? I see you auditioning for local productions such as the upcoming '12 Angry Men.' Don't you think in order to prove what a magnificent psychic I am that it would be better if I took questions from all sorts of people in the studio. That way I can prove that nothing is planned."

Jason shrugged. "How do I do in that audition by the way?" he asked.

"That is the type of question that I would like to answer in front of your boss if you don't mind," Cassandra said adding a sweet tone to her voice.

"Okay, follow me," Jason said and Cassandra followed him into the back.

Jason knocked on the door of a middle-aged man with black and white hair that was staring at his computer screen. He had black framed glasses and an expression on his face which made it look like he was focusing very hard. Upon hearing the knock he looked over at Jason and Cassandra. He didn't smile. "Yes?" he said.

"This is-" Jason started.

"Cassandra, right? The psychic girl, younger then I thought. And prettier, you might do okay on television just looks alone. Okay, sit down, tell me about your show idea. I won't promise that I'll like it," he said looking Cassandra up and down.

"Actually, sir, if you don't mind I was hoping I could put on somewhat of a performance. I think that it would be the best way to showcase my talents. I could show you how I think the format of the show could be. But can I show you that I am a real psychic if I can't show you the extent of my powers," Cassandra said.

Devin just looked at her. Jason spoke up, "Yeah . . . I guess she was hoping we could gather a bunch of people at the studio and a bunch of us could ask her questions. I mean, that's the impression I got from you."

"That's correct," she said.

Devin audibly sighed. "Whatever then, let's do this. It's probably best anyway," he said standing up. He held out his hand directly Jason and Cassandra to leave. They waited for him to exit and then followed him down the hall to a room set up like a studio.

"Jason," Devin said. "Go get us some volunteers for this. Thanks."

"Sure, Devin," he said back. "I'm on it." And with that he dashed out the door.

"Should we begin?" Devin said. "What exactly were you thinking?"

Part 6


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