Thanks for visiting my blog! I created this blog to be able to put my story ideas down somewhere where I could share them with my friends and family. If you're here because I sent you here, thanks!!! I love it when people read my blog!
Some things you should know; I love writing but I'm just a novice which means I'm not that good. Also I'm really bad at updating, but I'm slightly better if I think someone's actually reading my blog. But the thing I'm worst at is finishing.
Thanks for reading anyway. Please leave comments. And if you want me to continue any story leave a comment or message me on Facebook or email me.

Finished Stories: 1
Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

May 13, 2017

Cassandra the All-Knowing Part 11

Part 10

While Cassandra waited for the call back to be on the radio show she continued taking clients to help her practice sounding believable. She couldn't lose her radio gig too. She tried old methods of stringing clients along to see what they wanted to hear but the second she made anything that sounded like a prediction they started to get upset. It turns out her curse applied to fake predictions as well. She tried wording her predictions differently which didn't work. She tried to sound less confident when she made predictions which just made people not believe her right off the bat. She tried to give predictions from familiar spirits which was probably the least effective method she employed since she had to figure out which spirit her clients would want to hear from which she had never been good at.

By the time Cindy called back about three days later Cassandra hadn't retained any clients. "Hello," Cassandra said answering the phone.

"Sorry it took so long to get back to you, Cassandra," Cindy said.

"That's alright."

"Look I know it's short notice but I think we can get you in tomorrow. Mad Maxwell's show has been packed with the giveaway we've been doing but he actually does have an opening tomorrow," she said. "Can we get you in at six?"

"Hmm . . . I don't know," Cassandra said.

"Oh gosh, I'm getting another call. Listen I have to go. Give me a solid yes or no," Cindy said.

"Okay," Cassandra said agreeing to give her an answer.

"Great. See you tomorrow at six," she said hanging up.

"Wait," Cassandra said into the receiver but it was already too late. Cassandra let out a huge sigh. There was one method that she hadn't tried yet. She would have to find Anthony and do whatever she could to get him to take the curse away. But just as a delightful prediction popped into her head when she didn't want to date Anthony a horrifying prediction popped into her head now. He could not take the curse away even if he wanted to. Cassandra was doomed.

Her heart started to pound and she clenched her fists as anger washed over her. He had destroyed her lively hood and just because she didn't want to date him. She wished that he had never given her the gift in the first place. She laughed when she thought of all those people who would never know their futures because of him and it was all his fault. All those people would suffer and she would just stand there at laugh at them for not believing her.

"Come in, Xanthe," she said before she even knocked.

Xanthe poked her head in. Like most tattoo artists she had artwork all over her body. She wore tight ripped jeans and a black mesh shirt. Her platinum blond hair was pulled up in a wild ponytail. "Hey Cassie, that's a wicked laugh you got there," she said walking in. "Kind of creepy almost."

Cassandra looked at her with annoyed eyes. "Don't call me Cassie," she said. "I've told you time and time again that it is Cassandra."

Xanthe walked closer. "Listen, man, I hate to do this but I need to get your rent from you. You're already kind of late," she said.

"My business hasn't been doing as well. I don't have the money for you yet. Do you think that I can have a few more days?" she asked. As soon as the girl on the radio show told people that Cassandra's predictions would come true she was sure that business would pick up.

"Oh, yeah, sure, man. Everything chill over here?" she asked.

"We're not friends, Xanthe, merely associates," Cassandra said.

Xanthe frowned. "Sure," she said. "Okay, get me your rent by the fifteenth, alright?"

Cassandra nodded and Xanthe left. Cassandra left the shop and went up to her bed to lay down and think of a plan on how she would do the radio show tomorrow.

Part 12

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