Thanks for visiting my blog! I created this blog to be able to put my story ideas down somewhere where I could share them with my friends and family. If you're here because I sent you here, thanks!!! I love it when people read my blog!
Some things you should know; I love writing but I'm just a novice which means I'm not that good. Also I'm really bad at updating, but I'm slightly better if I think someone's actually reading my blog. But the thing I'm worst at is finishing.
Thanks for reading anyway. Please leave comments. And if you want me to continue any story leave a comment or message me on Facebook or email me.

Finished Stories: 1
Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

May 27, 2011

The Forgotten World Part 7

The Forgotten World Part 6

"What do you need help with?" Jonah asked.
"My friend, he hurt his ankle. I don't know what to do," Zoe said.
"Where is he?" asked Noah.
"Inside this house. Follow me," she said. She swung around and headed for the house with the boys behind her. She opened the front door and headed towards Rocky.
The boys stopped in their tracks as soon as they saw Rocky, "Woah, does everyone have this bright colored hair?" Noah said.
"Yes," Zoe said, "Can you help him?"
"Yeah, you said he hurt his ankle right?" Jacob said. He leaned down and inspected his ankle, "This is a pretty good homemade cast."
"Um, why aren't either of you wearing shoes?" asked Eli.
"My shoe on the foot that's not broken fell off and Zoe took the other one off when she was trying to fix it. And Zoe never wears shoes," Rocky said.
"What's your name?" Jacob said.
"It's Rocky," he said.
"Hmm, well I think we need to take you back to the tribe to take care of this," Jacob said.
"But, Jacob, what about hunting?" Noah said.
"I'll take them back. You only need three people for any hunting mission. We only had four because Jonah insisted on coming," Jacob said.
"Hey!" Jonah said.
"Your going to become a gatherer Jonah, anyway," Noah said. "That's fine, Jacob."
"Yeah, Jacob, that works," Jonah said.
"Okay, I'll see you guys back at the tribe," Jacob said. And after saying their good-byes they left.
"Okay, Zoe, you know how to do a two person lift?" Jacob asked. She shook her head no and and he taught her how. They were on their way, "So the tribe is only an hour away just walking but walking with someone it might take up to two hours."
"Thanks for helping us," Zoe said.

The Forgotten World Part 8


May 26, 2011

The Forgotten World Part 6

The Forgotten World Part 5

As she made her way to the top of the stairs she felt a sore pain in her legs. She looked back at the stairs for a few seconds and then moved on.
She wandered into the first room and she looked around suddenly something almost hit her. She stumbled backwards and hit a wall. Right above her was a bird and a nest, the window was broken and it was obvious that was how it had flown through. Zoe felt her heart speed up quickly. She left the room without a second thought.
She wandered around the other rooms on the second floor being careful. She walked into one room with two white storage spaces. These storage spaces were unique though as she opened them she realized that they were circular spaces instead of the square spaces that the others had. She looked down and realized that they had drawers at the bottom. She pulled the drawers out and looked in.
Inside were square pieces of cloth. She picked them up and smiled. She envisioned herself tying the square cloth around Rocky’s ankle. “This could help,” she said. She grabbed as many as she could and went down stairs.
“Rocky, look what I have!” she said as she walked slowly down the stairs.
“What? What is it?” he said.
“I don’t know, but I think it could help,” she said. She leaned down, took off his shoes, and tied one around his leg. It seemed to help a little but what she needed was some sort of support.
Suddenly she heard a sharp painful rasp on the window. She looked and there were was an overgrown tree hitting it. She smiled. “I’ll be right back, Rocky,” she said.
“Zoe!” he said as she ran for the front door.
She grabbed a bunch of tree branches in her hand and pulled them off. She started to peal of the flowers and leaves as she walked inside. She sat down and started working hard by putting branches around his leg and tying them with pieces of cloth.
“There, how does that feel?” she said to him tying the last knot.
“Painful,” he said. She frowned. “But it will do. I think it’s helping, actually.”
“I’m so sorry, Rocky,” she said.
He just looked at her.
“I’m going to go look for some food. I couldn’t find any in here,” she said.
“Zoe, wait,” he said.
“Never mind,” he said. “I just don’t think there’s anything edible out there. And I mean how would you be able to tell?”
“I’ll see what I can find,” she said leaving.
She looked for things that she had heard that were edible such as berries or roots. She only sort of knew what they looked like. Berries, she had heard were round and colorful. She searched in her memory for roots but she couldn’t remember what they were.
She searched through the grass and in the bushes. She found flowers but she couldn’t seem to find any berries. A few flower bushes poked her, she abandoned those ones quickly. She tried not to stray to far from the house.
She was looking through a large bush in the front of the house when she a male voice say, “Who’s there?” from the other side of the bush.
It had to be a rescue team. Someone had noticed that they were gone and also the hole in the glass. She jumped up and ran around to the other side yelling, “You have to help me.”
On the other side were four young boys. They each had neutral colored hair, and neutral colored clothes. On their backs were large bags. They each had a sharp weapon held out like a sword or a knife, they weren’t weapons that were used where she cam from. She backed up a little. “You have to help me,” she said in a quieter voice.
“What tribe are you from?” The one in the front with a longer sword asked. He was Asian and had sharp black hair and brown eyes.
“What?” she asked. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m from Framtid.”
They looked at each other confused. “Where’s that?” another boy asked. This one had light brown hair and blue eyes.
She pointed up. They all looked.
“You’re from the Glass World?” the blue eyed boy asked.
She nodded. “Aren’t you?” she said.
“No,” they all said individually.
“But nobody lives down here. Everyone went up.”
“Not everybody,” said another boy with a darker brown hair and a crooked nose.
Zoe stepped back even more. “I’m Zoe,” she said.
“I’m Noah,” said the boy with the crooked nose.
“I’m Jonah,” said the Asian boy.
“I’m Jacob,” said the boy with light brown hair.
“I’m Eli,” said a tall boy in the back who hadn’t talked yet.
“You have to help me,” Zoe said.

The Forgotten World Part 7


May 25, 2011

The Forgotten World Part 5

Forgotten World Part 4

Rocky fell on the foot with the shoe on. "Ugh," Rocky said grabbing his ankle. Tears swelled up in his eyes and he rocked back and forth.
Zoe stood up and looked straight up at the hole they had just fallen through, it seemed so far away now. She looked around and suddenly felt an overwhelming sensation of fear and adrenaline. She didn't know anyone who had been on the bottom layer before.
The whole thing had a musty smell to it that she had never smelt before. Everything was so natural down here, all the colors and everything. It was much nicer up close. She could hear a lot of chirping and she assumed it was the birds though she couldn't see any. Currently she was standing on a black surface that felt very uncomfortable on her feet. It was very rough and very bumpy. On her right was gray concrete like they had in the Omnipotent Center. And next to that was some plants that she believed were called grass. Past that was a primitive dwelling of someone who had lived her before the great movement. Everything down here was so fascinating.
Then she noticed Rocky who was biting his lip and whimpering. "Rocky, what's wrong?" Zoe asked.
"My ankle. I think I landed on it wrong," he said.
"Can you stand?" she asked.
Rocky tried but he ended up just groaning and crying even more as he collapsed back on the ground.
"I think you might have broken it. I'm sorry this was my fault, if I hadn't been holding onto you, your shoe would have been able to bring you down slower maybe even bring you back up," Zoe said.
Rocky just looked at her.
"I'll call an ambulance to pick us up," Zoe looked back up at the hole, "I better hurry before close up the hole."
She pressed the button on the Social Pad and it popped up. She immediately started to call for the ambulance. A message popped up: "We're sorry but you cannot make this call. You are currently in a zone out of our service. We're sorry for the inconvenience." Zoe stared at it for a few seconds. This was the first time she had ever seen that message.
"We don't have service," she said quietly and slowly.
"What? What do you mean?" Rocky asked.
"I mean I can't make the call. I guess since nobody's ever falling down to the surface that they never made it so that we could make calls down here," Zoe said looking at Rocky.
"So we're stuck," he asked.
She nodded.
"What now?" he asked.
"We should take care of that ankle first and then we can look for food and water," Zoe said looking around. "These plants look edible."
"What's the point? We're just going to die anyway," he said.
"Rocky, don't talk like that. If our ancestors could survive down here, so can we," Zoe said. "C'mon I'll carry you into that house over there." She then leaned down and gently tried to carry him. He was heavy but she managed to get him all the way to the house. She arrived at the stairs. She looked at them but then went up them. There was only three she opened the door and suddenly her feet hit a cool surface almost like glass but a little bit rougher plus instead of being clear it was cream and opaque. She was going to put him down there but she noticed next to the cream colored surface was gray grass like stuff. She stepped on it and it was soft on her feet like clothing except different. She put him on the floor next to the wall.
"I'm going to look around and see what I can find," she said.
"No, don't leave me here alone," he said.
"Rocky, you'll be fine," she said, "Trust me."
He nodded.
She left him heading away from the cream colored surface and towards the room in the back. So far the entire house didn't have any furniture in it, but as she stepped from one room to another she noticed that in the middle of the room was full of blue smooth table like surfaces, plus she was back on the cream-colored floors. The walls were covered with brown storage units. She opened one and stepped back at what she saw. Inside was this brown-black creature crawling around. Zoe realized that this was the first living creature she had seen besides humans. Zoe searched her memories to see if she could remember the name of it.
"Spider, I think," she said out loud to herself. She closed that cabinet and moved onto the next ones.
She then walked from room to room on the first floor stepping from the cream-colored floor to the gray grass floors. She opened doors and looked in all storage units. She found many more spiders and even a few more crawling things that weren't spiders. She found one door that just dropped straight down. She immediately closed that one. She didn't find anything. These were people that brought everything with them when they had left.
She kept going until she had gotten back to where she had started.
"Did you find anything?" Rocky asked her.
"Not yet but I haven't even checked the 2nd floor," Zoe said referring to the stairs that she was standing by. "And if I can't find anything up there I could always check the other houses around."
"No, that's okay, really. Don't leave," Rocky said.
"I'm going to go check upstairs," Zoe said. She paused at the stairs though. Every house in Framtid was only one story, she had never really been on stairs before, besides the three steps leading up to the house. She sighed and made her way up.

The Forgotten World Part 6
