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Feb 15, 2010

Catching Fire: Analisis

I find the Hunger Games very symbolic of different things in todays society. Different things make me really think about how life is today. This is especially in Catching Fire, the anger I felt while reading this book was so real. I really got into it.
President Snow - Slavery: President Snow was such an awful person. He would torture innocent people just to make sure they knew that he was in charge. I feel like this could be a symbol of slavery. Before the Civil War broke out, slave owners didn't even see their slaves as humans. They provided resources and money and thats all they saw. This is the same with the districts, the capitol was taken care of by them but didn't see them as anything more then resources. That's why President Snow was scared of rebellion, he knew he would loose his resources. He did the same thing slave owners did with slaves, they made sure that rebellions would not ever happen by inflicting fear into the districts hearts. He would do this with Peacekeepers and the Games. The slave owners did it with whips and making their burden harder.
Peeta and Katniss - Celebrities: One thing that I found definitely around in modern society is the relationship between Peeta and Katniss was fake. They were pretending to be in love just to get sponsors. This is not too different from how fake our celebrities are, what extreme will they go to just to remain famous.
The Games - Reality TV Shows: The most obvious symbol that they have is definitely have is the relation between the Games and Reality TV Shows. The Games was a Reality TV Show. But the symbolism goes much deeper. How many of us enjoy watching Reality TV Shows? I do. They're very popular. We are much like the capitol in that way, we enjoy watching people being publically humiliated or doing things we'd never dare. How often do we actually see people getting along on these shows? Not very often. Sure nobody dies in our Reality TV Shows, but how the capitol can watch and not even flinch is the same of how we can watch the contention and not even care.
The Peacekeepers - Modern Day Problems: The peacekeepers are not only symbolic but ironic. Their names are peacekeepers and they are certainly not peaceful. From whipping, to killing, to enforcing stupid laws they are definitely the opposite of keeping the peace. They're similar to modern day problems like the current state of the economy or maybe even the IRS. They're not there to help us, they're there to inflict us.
These are just a few symbols that I found in Catching Fire, there is many more.

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