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Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

Feb 13, 2010

Percy Jackson: The Movie

If you have ever read the Percy Jackson books, never go see the movie. It is a disgrace to the book. It is nothing like it, the plot line is completely different, they cut out some of the most important characters, and overall it is just plain different. To put it in comparison they are about as similar as foxes and cats. Sure they have similar things about them but over all they are two very different things. It made me mad how different the movie was from the book, Percy Jackson is one of the best series I've ever read, why wouldn't they want to make that into a movie. Perhaps it would have been better if it wasn't called Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. If they had given it a different title and didn't claim it was "based off the book" (which it totally wasn't) then maybe I might have actually been able to watch it without wanting to kill the writer. The IDIOT perhaps is a better term. The least he could have done is actually read the book or have not have written the script while under the influence. All I'm really saying is now he has a ton of upset fans who wanted to see their favorite book turned into a movie. It was a waste of money, and it made me mad.
The movie itself, on lighter terms (even though I don't know if there is any to describe this movie), was boring. At least to me it was. I'm not into action very much and couldn't sit all the way through Transformers because I got so bored. That's mostly what it was, is action. I actually stopped paying attention and was about to walk out before the movie was over. That was until I realized that they were still torturing us with that awful movie.
Now look, maybe if you've never read the book you'll like it. I don't know. Sometimes I like movies that are different from the books (rarely) like Ella Enchanted. But most of the time I feel the same way I did about Percy Jackson, I don't like them. Like for instance I couldn't watch even half of "A Walk to Remember" because the book was so different and so much better. It almost made me cry, how different it was.
So anyway, don't watch Percy Jackson. It sucks.

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