Thanks for visiting my blog! I created this blog to be able to put my story ideas down somewhere where I could share them with my friends and family. If you're here because I sent you here, thanks!!! I love it when people read my blog!
Some things you should know; I love writing but I'm just a novice which means I'm not that good. Also I'm really bad at updating, but I'm slightly better if I think someone's actually reading my blog. But the thing I'm worst at is finishing.
Thanks for reading anyway. Please leave comments. And if you want me to continue any story leave a comment or message me on Facebook or email me.

Finished Stories: 1
Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

Sep 29, 2009

Writers Block

Writers block is a disease. There's nothing worse for a writer then being at the best part of an essay, novel, or short story and suddenly having to stop because you can't you think of something else to write. It's even worse when you're running on a deadline. To me, writers block is especially awful. It makes me feel like I'm no longer fully there. What are the symptoms of this dreaded ill? For me: being bored, loosing interest in things that I can normally do for an hour, depression, and confusion. I also tend to go into the more logical part of my mind when I have this, but this isn't a noticeable condition. Currently I have writers block. Actually I had writers block. What else do I say? Who knows. Sorry if this blog entry isn't as good as others. I tried.

Sep 28, 2009

My Brother, Cupid

If it wasn't bad enough that it was my first day at a new school, it was harder knowing that if I wasn't careful my brother would shoot an arrow at me. This arrow is full of a bunch of dumb love magic. He claims its his "first day at school gift." But there is nothing more annoying then having a huge crush that isn't even real.
I had avoided him so far, and as far as I was concerned he was still asleep. Then I heard a "Hey Todd," from behind me.
"Don't you dare!" I said turning around as quick as possible. He stood there with his bow on his side. "Look Chase, remember how we had to move because I loved Rebecah, Halie, Lizzie, Emily, Veronica, and Raquel. Let's not start this again."
"You're absolutely right," he said, but while saying "right" he hit me.
"Chase!" I exclaimed though it didn't hurt.
"Hey, that's what brothers do, right? They tease," he said running away from me.
"I don't know a lot of guys who brother is Cupid." I caught him and put him in a head lock. For even though he's my older brother he's a wimp. Truth was I could see the pain that I was causing him. "Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!" I yelled.
"Let me go," he choked.
"Will you take it off?" I asked.
"No, it's a joke."
"Take it off!"
"Let me go!"
"I'll let you go if you take it off," I said.
"Your shoe's untied," he said.
I looked down, it was untied. But when I looked down I loosened my grip and he got away. I growled. "You'll pay for this Chase."

Full Story

Sep 26, 2009

My Fairy, Kira Part 2

Part 1

"Does everybody have a fairy?" Jordan asked, though he had been told off by six inch girl that he asked to many questions.
"No. The second you were born I flew over you and thus I became your fairy. They gave me ten years of freedom then boom. No more magic, unless you wish for something, and slave to the human race. It sucks," she said bitterly.
"I'm sorry. I feel really bad. Is this my fault?" he asked her.
Instead of answering she asked, "Where do I sleep?"
"Oh!" Jordan looked around his small room. "What about the windowsill?"
Kira picked up her feet and flew to the windowsill on the other side of the room. Jordan's windowsill was covered with a long white curtain with blue ships on the top. The window was about one foot wide.
"What about food? I really like crackers. You need to feed me because I don't have my magic any more," Kira said not showing if she was satisfied with the place Jordan had set for her.
"Right!" Jordan said like he should have known. He looked in his sock drawer and grabbed a poor sock without a match. Then he ran out of the room to grab the crackers. He returned a couple of minutes later and set the sock and the crackers on the windowsill.
Kira looked at him confused and went over and picked up an edge of the sock.
"It's so you have somewhere soft to sleep. I've washed it, I swear," Jordan said.
Kira looked at him and for the first time since she had arrived she smiled and said, "Thanks."

Sep 25, 2009

Five Little Words that Crushed Me

I love mornings, I get alone time, it's quiet, and after about 20 minutes I'm fully refreshed. I don't, on the other hand, like people in the morning. This morning my brother, Eric, woke up about the same time I did. Eric is four years old, and as cute as can be. He followed me downstairs while I got my breakfast, I sat down and ate it and he asked if he could have some too. I frowned, I didn't want to get him breakfast. But instead of telling him to go ask my mom I told him I would get him some as soon as I was done eating. Unfortunately my mind was full. Instead I got my shoes on. Then I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. He followed thinking that as soon as I did that I would get him some cereal. Not understanding his intentions and completely forgetting that I told him I would get him cereal I played a game with him where I blocked him in the mirror, he giggled accordingly. I went downstairs, pulled out my outline for history, sat on the couch, and started reading. After a few seconds of sitting on a stool and waiting for me, he realized that I wasn't going to get him cereal. Being four years old, this crushed him. He started to cry and ran out of the kitchen. Eventually he joined me in the living room laid his head on the couch and cried. I asked him sweetly what was wrong and offered to cuddle with him. Then I offered to help him. He turned to me and these were his exact words, "Only mommy can help me, because you're not always there." These five words took me by surprise and I mumbled something about being in high school most of the day.
As I started to think about this, I realized he didn't mean "you're not always there," meaning that I wasn't always at home helping him. But rather he meant that I wasn't always there for him to fall back on and trust. That morning I had abandoned his trust, I had abandoned him. This almost made me cry. He had trusted me and I had let him down. Even if was just over a bowl of cereal. The point is, I learned an important lesson today. I never want the feeling of letting my little brother fall again, and from now on I'll try to do what I said I would do right away.

Sep 24, 2009

The Power of Telling the Truth

I was not looking forward to reading my nonfiction book for English, I wasn't sure what I would find. I found one of the best books I've ever read. It's called Three Little Words and the author and main character is Ashley Rhodes-Courter. The book is a memoir so it's events that occurred in her life. The book starts when she is being taken away from her mother, from there she is transferred from foster home to foster home. Her life is difficult, and she looks forward to the day that her mom will pick her up and take her home. One of her most difficult situations is when she is transfered to Majorie Mosses home. Mrs. Moss abuses Ashley as well as all the other children. When Ashley testifies of this, she is accused of being a liar. I was taken back that they would take her away from her mother and others that loved her in an instant but let Mrs. Moss abuse her and neglect her. When Ashley finally does get adopted by Gay and Phil Courter she insists on doing something to protect other children from the evil witch. Ashley didn't succeed. But as well as being an inspiration to me, she's also been a inspiration to others. She didn't win, but she did what she could and helped many others. Ashley did something despite the fact that she was only one person. The book was very good and very inspirational.

Sep 19, 2009

Leah, Rachel's Sister

It was the large commotion that grabbed my attention, people outside were rejoicing for some man named Jacob was here. I wandered out to see what everyone was yelling about. There I saw a man, and he was fair to look upon. But who he was, I didn't know. My younger sister, Rachel, saw and explained it to me, “This is Jacob, Rebekah's son.” Rebekah was my father's sister.
Then my father saw me also, “Jacob, this is my daughter, Leah.”
That is when the man saw me. He didn't smile as he looked into my eyes. Then he nodded politely and returned his attention to my father.
My father then said, “Surely thou art my bone and my flesh.”* And Jacob stayed with us for a month.
After a month my father thought that Jacob should work for us as he explained it, “Because thou art my brother, shouldest thou therefore serve me for nought? Tell me, what shall thy wages be?”*
Immediately Jacob looked longingly after Rachel. His eyes met hers and the shared a long loving glance. “I will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter,” he then said.
My father shifted uncomfortably in his chair. He had a hard time giving Rachel to anyone. Then he quickly looked at me and I knew what he was thinking, “But my eldest, Leah, has not been wed yet.” Though he never actually said it. After another few long glances at Rachel and Jacob. He finally made up his mind, “It is better that I give her to thee, than that I should give her to another man: abide with me.”*

*Phrases directly from the bible.

The Taffetas

Yesterday I went out with my grandma and my step-cousin to see a play. The play was called The Taffetas and when I first looked at the stage and the program I thought the play was just going to be a bunch of fifties music. I was absolutely right. It was just a bunch of fifties music. But it was a ton of fun. I actually felt like I was in the fifties. Most of the music was fun and exciting, the costumes were adorable, I loved the band members, and The Taffetas themselves were so much fun to watch. If you ever are in BYU territory and they are still playing I would suggest buying tickets to watch them. It was so much fun.

The Hypnosis Act

Hypnotist - Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Amazing Hypnotism Show. Where I transform my five nominees into things they are not. (To 1st contestant) You are sure our planet is in trouble but luckily for you, you've found another planet which will be able to support us. Every time I say the word "you", you will try to convince someone in the audience to come with you to this new planet. (To 2nd contestant) You are a dog, whenever i take a step you will bark defensively and growl for a member of the audience. (To 3rd contestant) You love playing golf, but unfortunately you lost your leg playing it. When I go to the next person you will jump on one leg and tell your golf stories, which never seem to be about getting that stupid ball into that stupid hole, to the audience. (To 4th contestant) You are a ballerina, abut you must always be in the spotlight. Find a light and dance under it make sure nobody else is under your spotlight. (To 5th contestant) you are an untrained therapist, every time you hear a bark, you must ask and audience member about a part of their life. (To Audience) As you can see their physical body is still the same but in their mind they are somebody different. Using hypnotism, I can get anyone to do anything. Even things they are not normally comfortable doing. The only other person who can do this is a very good director. Do not try this at home until you can master the mind,the results can be quite disastrous. (To contestants) You may take your seat. Now when I count to three you will all be no longer be hypnotized. One. Two. Three. You are no longer hypnotized.

Sep 14, 2009


Friday night I went to my friend's house and after settling down in her room she put on Grease. I had never seen this movie before, I knew some of the songs like Summer Nights, We Go Together, Grease Lightning and You're the One I Want. But besides that I had no clue what to expect. What was I thinking when the movie ended? "That was an awful movie." I absolutely hated it. It was so immoral. From drinking to smoking to sex to lying there was nothing in there with any sort of moral decision at all. All the characters and their support of these live changing sins bugged me. But that wasn't the worst part. The thing that absolutely bugged me the most was the ending. The whole movie I was waiting for stupid Danny to change and stop treating Sandy like a piece of garbage. But instead stupid Sandy decided to change into a piece of garbage. Instead of Danny raising his standards to meet hers, she lowered hers to meet his. I also hated the part where Rizzo found out that she really wasn't pregnant. She didn't learn a thing from that experience. Sure I was glad that she wasn't pregnant but the message that I got from that was horrible. Actually it was the message I got from the whole movie and that was be bad, be immoral, have no standards, have fun and there will be no consequences. But if you're good you will have no friends, everyone will hate you, and you'll be miserable.

Sep 12, 2009

Addison, Part 1

“I can't believe it!” Alexander, my best friend cried.
“What!?!” I exclaimed looking up from my cook book.
“This guy in my book could choose between money and the girl. And he chose the Girl! How idiotic is that?” he said, “You're not going to cook again, are you?”
I smacked him with a pillow and put down the cook book. Instead I picked up my sister's diary.
He also put down his book and looked at me, ready for me to start reading.
“Dear Diary,
“Today was the best. He was so romantic. He took me to that one restaurant that's like impossible to get reservations. How sweet is that? I love Bruce. I can just imagine it now, 'Abbigale Ryan!'-”
“I bet if she had to chose between Bruce and money she would chose Bruce,” Alex said.
“No talky. It's my turn.” I said, “Now doesn't that sound romantic. Tomorrow he's taking me to Harlen's Park.
“Bingo, that's where we'll find her.”
“Fine, but we're not taking your cooking,” he said.
“We'll get sandwiches at that sandwich place,” I said hitting him with another pillow.
“Sheesh. Easy on the pillows, already,” he said picking back up his book.

Sep 11, 2009

My Calzone Experience

Calzone Recipe

12 Rhode's Frozen Rolls
1/2 Jar of Pizza Sauce
1/2 Bag of Cheese
Red Peppers
Parmesan Cheese

1. Preheat oven to 350'.
2. Spray pan down or use flour. Place frozen rolls on pan. Let sit for 1 - 1 1/2 hours.
3. Spread out rolls.
4. Add Pizza Sauce.
5. Add Cheese.
6. Fold in half. Pinch edges together with fingers, this works better then a fork.
7. Melt butter. Spread over Pre-Cooked Calzones.
8. Lightly sprinkle red peppers and parmesan.
9. Cook for 15 - 20 minutes.