Thanks for visiting my blog! I created this blog to be able to put my story ideas down somewhere where I could share them with my friends and family. If you're here because I sent you here, thanks!!! I love it when people read my blog!
Some things you should know; I love writing but I'm just a novice which means I'm not that good. Also I'm really bad at updating, but I'm slightly better if I think someone's actually reading my blog. But the thing I'm worst at is finishing.
Thanks for reading anyway. Please leave comments. And if you want me to continue any story leave a comment or message me on Facebook or email me.

Finished Stories: 1
Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

Dec 31, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

It is Dec. 31st. And all though I am proud to say that I kept my resolution the whole year, I need to make some new ones.
1. To write in my blog at least ten times a month. To develop, improve, and work on my talents is very important to me.
2. To do at least five service projects.
3. To get a summer job.
4. To read my scriptures every day.
5. To improve my relationship with my family, through family activities, simple service projects, and spending quality time with them.

I'm eager to get started, because I know that if I really try, I can succeed. I also learned last year that little mistakes doesn't mean you're done, you can still accomplish your goal without completely accomplishing your goal. Just because you fall doesn't mean you have to stay on the ground.
My only resolution that I had last year was to be vegetarian for a whole year. I hate to admit it, but I did eat meat last year. Still I ended the year as a vegetarian. I may have not perfectly gotten my goal. But I still believe with all my heart that I did actually accomplish what I was trying to do. I got the rewards and benefits that come from being vegetarian still.
So really, I would say, don't worry about messing up. None of us are perfect. Choose a goal, and work on it all year round. Work on it being the key words. You don't have to accomplish your exact goal to accomplish your goal. Don't give up just because you weren't perfect.

Dec 30, 2009


A few minutes a go I finished a very interesting, very touching book: Yearbook by Allyson Braithwaite Condie. From beginning to end the book was amazing, simple, and very well written. Though I didn't cry, even though I was close, this book touched me. As the characters went through trials and other hard times I felt touched the way they did. I actually thought I was going to disappointed with the ending, when I realized I was close to the end, but it had what I wanted in it. The book was completely written in first person, from many point of views. There was too many characters and too many plots for the author to decently end the book without making me upset, but she ended it perfectly. I enjoyed the fact that each and every character built relationships with all the other characters. That they touched, helped, and learned from each other. Each character giving their point of view on how they saw the other characters. It was touching. This book was an amazing read. I wish I could describe it better, I wish I could explain how good it was. But I'm just going to say that if you want to know how good it actually was, to go and read it yourself. It's worth it.

Dec 28, 2009

Mixed Up Fairy Tales

Character Index:
Henrietta Frog/Henry Frog:
Petunia Pig/Piper Pig:
Little Red/Riding Hood:
Evil Witch/Wizard:
Sleeping Beauty:
Peter Pig:
Parker Pig:

(Princess Council is sitting. Henry (Henrietta) Frog jumps in.)
Henry Frog: This is great, just great. Ribbit.
Repunzel: What’s wrong now, Henry (Henrietta)?
Henry Frog: Ribbit, one of those humans, is here from Earth, ribbit. That stupid witch (wizard) is trying to . . .
Cinderella: Oh no, not again. I guess we have to go meet her, and make sure the witch doesn’t get near her.
(Rachel is walking in the forest and comes to Piper (Petunia) Pig)
Rachel: Where in the world am I?
Piper Pig: Grandma’s woods, where all sweets are good.
Rachel: You’re a talking pig.
Piper Pig: You’re a talking girl, and that’s a talking rock, oh wait, I don’t think that rock talks.
Rachel: Okay.
Piper Pig: Hey, will you help me find sticks to build my house. I want to be able to play my pipes, and this whole building business is taking to long. But, apparently the big bad wolf is in town, and he’s looking for little piggies, like my brothers and me.
Rachel: Are you sure sticks will be enough, to stop the wolf?
Piper Pig: I don’t know. What do you know about wolves?
Rachel: Nothing really, I guess they don’t have hands. But I just don’t know, shouldn’t you choose a stronger building material?
Piper Pig: It’s a known fact the stronger the material the harder it is to put together and the longer it takes. Take my brother, Peter, for instance, he’s building his house out of bricks and he won’t be done until way late. My other brother’s making his house out of hay is already done.
Rachel: I really need to get home.
Piper Pig: You should go talk to Little Red (Riding Hood), she’s (he’s) going home too. She (he) just visited her (his) grandma. Hey, look here she (he) comes.
(Little Red (Riding Hood) comes up carrying a basket, or riding a horse depending on gender)
Little Red: Hiya, Piper (Petunia). Watch out for that wolf, he almost got my gramma. I over heard him saying, “Oh well, I guess we’ll just have to go for the three little pigs.” Too bad that woodcutter couldn’t get him. Who’s your friend?
Rachel: I’m Rachel.
Little Red: I’m Little Red (Riding Hood). What brings ya to Gramma’s woods-
Piper Pig and Little Red: Where all the sweets are good.
Rachel: I don’t really get that.
Piper Pig: This girl over here is trying to get home, I told her you were going home too, and that you would take her.
Little Red: ‘Course I will. Will you come with us, Piper (Petunia)? I love that pipe of yours. Ya sure do play it well.
Piper Pig: I guess I can do this later. I like playing my pipes more then this whole building business.
(Rachel, Little Red (Riding Hood), and Piper (Petunia) Pig are walking down the road. Piper (Petunia) is playing his (her) pipes while Little Red (Riding Hood) is making gestures like she’s (he’s) talking. Rachel fallows awkwardly behind.)
Little Red: Can ya’all believe it? Aren’t them bears just the rudest things ever?
Rachel: Wait, all they did was nicknamed you Goldilocks.
Little Red: Yah. Can ya’all believe it?
Rachel: You broke into their house. You’re lucky that’s all they did.
Little Red: They also tried to trap me and kill me. I was lucky I could run away before they could catch me.
(Piper (Petunia) Pig stops playing to talk to Little Red (Riding Hood).)
Piper Pig: Didn’t your mom tell you not to get into things you weren’t supposed to?
Little Red: She also told me not to talk to strangers. But if I hadn’t I wouldn’t have met you. Then again, if I hadn’t talked to strangers maybe that wolf wouldn’t have almost eaten me and my gramma.
Parker Pig (Off stage): Piper (Petunia)!
Peter Pig (Off stage): Piper (Petunia)!
Piper Pig: Brothers!
(Peter Pig and Parker Pig run on stage. Peter should be carrying a bundle of hay and Parker should be carrying plaster.)
Parker Pig: Piper (Petunia), shouldn’t you be building your house? If you don’t start now you may not be able to finish by tonight.
Piper Pig: Relax, Parker. I’m already half way done, and even with this short break, I’ll still be done before you.
Parker Pig: Don’t tell me your making your house out of straw like Peter! That will never keep a wolf out. Peter’s an idiot for choosing it.
Peter Pig: Hey!
Parker Pig: Exactly, that’s what I meant.
Piper Pig: No, I’m making my house out of sticks.
Parker Pig: My brothers (brother and sister) are idiots!
Piper and Peter Pig: Hey!
Parker Pig (Noticing Little Red (Riding Hood) and Rachel): Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t even notice you two. How are you, Little Red (Riding Hood)?
Little Red: I almost got eaten by a wolf, but besides that, fine.
Parker Pig: And I’m afraid I don’t know you. (Referring to Rachel.)
Piper Pig: That’s Rachel, Little Red and me are helping her get home.

My Brother, Cupid Part 6

That next morning wasn't the greatest either. It was hard to go back to school once I knew that I was going to have to face Haley with a huge crush on her. As much as I hated to admit it, I liked her, and I didn't want her to think I was some kind of creep. I also realized that I probably wouldn't like her if it wasn't the affect of the arrow.
I slipped into my first class and sat down in the nearest desk I could find. I was here before Haley was, so it didn't matter where I sat yet. Then Haley walked in. I felt my heart race as I waved at her and yelled, "Haley!"
She looked embarrassed as her friends started to giggle. "Um, hi," she said, in her always polite way.
"You look gorgeous as always," I said.
She didn't even answer that and walked briskly to a different desk. Her friends that she had walked in, lingered a few seconds to stare at me. Then they both ran over to her snickering.
The next few days that followed seemed to have a similar pattern. I could see in her face that she hated the attention she was getting from me. Unfortunately she couldn't see that I suffering as well. Normally I only saw her once in a while, but eventually I did see her at lunch.
I walked over to her table, holding my tray in my hands. I was determined to sit with her, actually the stupid love spell was determined that I was going to sit with her. "Can I sit here?" I asked referring to an empty chair.
"Sure," one of her friends said snickering.
Haley looked at her terrified. "Um, can I talk to you?" she asked me.
"Of course," I said putting my tray down. I followed her over by a wall.
She briskly smiled at a few passerbyers and turned to face me, a very serious expression on her face. "Look, uh, it's Tom, right?" she asked.
Close enough to satisfy me. "Actually it's Todd."
"Right," she said, "Todd. Look, I know you like me. And, well, I don't like you. Actually you kind of scare me. Look, I'm sorry. It's just . . ."
Ouch. "I understand," I said. And I did understand, it's just my dorky hormones didn't. Suddenly I felt very upset, not at Haley, this wasn't her fault, but at my idiot of brother, Chase.
She watched me for a few seconds to see if I was okay, and then went to join her friends. I followed her absent minded. She turned around obviously to tell me to stop following her. "Need my food," I said pointing.
She turned red, "Oh, right."
I grabbed my tray and wandered to my normal spot. But as I bit down on my food my mind was only on how I would get my brother back.

"Chase!" I yelled as I walked into the house and threw my stuff to the side.
He walked downstairs. "'Sup little bro," he said attempting to be cool.
I rolled my eyes. "I'll tell you what's up, Haley told me off today."
"Who's Haley?" he asked.
"My arrows victim," I said.
"The girl you like?" he guessed.
"Yes," I said.
Chase actually looked sorry. "Wow, I'm sorry, dude. That sucks," he said.
"Yeah, and it's your fault," I said. "She thinks I'm some creep because of your stupid love spell."
"Oh," Chase said. Then he perked up, "You know I could just-"
"No, don't hit her with an arrow," I said. I stomped off to my room saying, "I'm sick and tired of your stupid arrows."
"I'll make this up to you," he yelled after me, "Trust me, I'll make this up to you."

Full Story

Dec 27, 2009

My Brother, Cupid Part 5

"Wow," I said.
"Todd," said Chase walking up. "Look, we can go now if you'd like."
"Yeah, I guess so," I said, "It was nice seeing you again New Years.”
“Same, it's nice to see some kids at these dumb parties,” he said quoting me from the Valentine's Day Party.
I waved as I followed my brother out.
Unlike my brother, walking through that portal always scared me. For a few seconds you find yourself stranded in midair going lightning speed through flashes of light and color. And then it's over and you realize you've traveled miles in the time of a few seconds.
“What were you thinking?” Chase yelled as we wandered into out living room, “Interrupting a meeting like that. You do realize that the results would have been the same after the meeting, right? The arrow still would have been gone.”
“You know what. Chase? It wasn't gone this morning, you could have taken it off then. Or even better yet not shot me at all,” I said.
“It was a harmless prank. Look I'm sorry. But it's not like I haven't done this before, what's so different about this time?” he said.
“I didn't like then either. But this time was different because I was starting out with a new slate. I could have been someone, just because you were a loser in school doesn't mean that you have to make me one too.”
“For the last time, I wasn't a loser,” Chase said, “I got a ton of girls.”
“Right, I highly doubt that you just started being a loser when you grew up. I mean even Mom thinks you're weird,” I said picking up a red rose from one of his vases, reminding him of her reaction when she first saw his house.
“I'm not a loser now either,” he said. “Look, I think we're done with this conversation now. Sorry about the whole arrow, falling in love, clean slate thing.” Then he started to fly away.
“You don't even care, do you?” I said. He ignored me.
As much as I love my brother, he may just be the most annoying person who ever lived.

Full Story

Dec 11, 2009

Santa Claus

Some people think that Santa Claus is a bad thing to teach your children. I think their wrong. They say that stuff such as Santa takes away from the true meaning of Christmas, the letters of Santa spell Satan and so on. Again, that is nonsense.
Santa is a good man. If you think I am wrong, what are his flaws? Is it that he is happy? Or maybe that enjoys giving? Could it be that loves children? Basically if Santa is a bad man, then so am I. Because I enjoy being happy, I love kids, and I like to give presents.
Which brings me to my next point. It is the concept of Santa that I really love. He works all year for all of us and to show his love for Christ he chooses to give his gifts on the same day that he was born. Santa is a Christian. If you don't believe me look at the evidence, he celebrates a Christian holiday, he is loving and kind, and he is giving. Santa is a Christian just like me.
Some people thinks he takes from the true meaning of Christmas, which is that Christ was born for all of us. That is because they are teaching it wrong. Remember, Santa did not create Christmas, Christmas created Santa. And for a good reason too.
Santa is amazing; he represents Christian love. To take Santa away from Christmas is wrong. To teach your kids that Santa is a bad man is wrong. Santa is good.