Thanks for visiting my blog! I created this blog to be able to put my story ideas down somewhere where I could share them with my friends and family. If you're here because I sent you here, thanks!!! I love it when people read my blog!
Some things you should know; I love writing but I'm just a novice which means I'm not that good. Also I'm really bad at updating, but I'm slightly better if I think someone's actually reading my blog. But the thing I'm worst at is finishing.
Thanks for reading anyway. Please leave comments. And if you want me to continue any story leave a comment or message me on Facebook or email me.

Finished Stories: 1
Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

Feb 28, 2011

The Forgotten World Part 4

The Forgotten World Part 3

Zoe was looking for something especially interesting today. She looked down trying to see something that would catch her eye. And something did. In the glass right in front of her was a huge crack in the glass. It must have taken some force to get a crack that huge. Zoe had seen some hairline cracks and reported those cracks before. But nothing as large as this. The crack covered the entire panel. It looked as if you put enough force on it that the entire panel would just break.
It made Zoe curious. She carefully leaned down and traced the crevices with her fingers. Of course she was going to report it but she wanted to feel the glass first.
Rocky was on his way to the mall to meet up with Daisy, Lulu, and Duke when he saw Zoe kneeling on the glass. He couldn't help but snicker. She was such a freak. He decided to go over and talk to her a little. He flew over and landed with a plunk right in front of her.
She gasped as she heard the glass break a little bit more. "Rocky don't stand there!"
"Why? Am I blocking your view?" he said in a mocking tone.
"It's not that. It's -" she said.
Crash! The glass gave way and Rocky fell through and he grabbed on to the edge of the glass. He looked down, the ground seemed so far away. He gulped and vigorously tried to activate his shoes to lift him back up. But all he accomplished was loosing one.
Then he lost his grip on the glass and started to fall. Zoe grabbed one of his wrists and tried to help him get back up. But the glass wasn't made to have grip and so she kept on losing her footing and getting closer and closer to the hole.
Eventually half of both of her feet hung off the glass and she knew unless she let go of Rocky they were both going down.
She hung on for her life and they both started to plummet to the ever growing ground. She swung her body around and furiously kicked his shoe. It activated. But unfortunately it was use to about one-fourth of the weight it was carrying now and only succeeded in slowing them down until eventually they hit the black ground.

The Forgotten World Part 5


Feb 27, 2011

The Forgotten World Part 3

The Forgotten World Part 2

"Whatev, I'm just trying to decide if I'm going to stay in Framtid or not," Lulu said. "It really depends if Rocky's going to stay here or not."
Rocky shot her a smile and put his arm around her. "I'm thinking of going into government," he said.
She started helplessly giggling.
"Well you definitely can't do that in Framtid," Daisy said.
It was then when Sasha flew by. She had been flying around all the teens seeing what they had been doing. So far she had been very impressed with their work. They all seemed to know what they had been doing. But she sighed when she saw Zoe. Zoe didn't have her social pad pulled out, she was just sitting and listening to the group's discussion. "Excuse me," she said kneeling down next to Zoe, "Do you need help? Why haven't you done anything yet?"
"I just don't know which department I want to go into yet," she said.
The group went silent as they listened to this exchange. "Are you kidding me? Most of us decided what we wanted to do by the time we were three," Rocky said.
"I just never thought about it," Zoe said. "I'm sorry, I just don't know."
"Well you have to decide today or wait until next year," Sasha said, "I go to a different city everyday."
"I'll wait until next year."
"Listen," Sasha said taking a deep breath, "That wasn't actually accurate. You have to decide today."
"I don't know what to chose," Zoe said looking at Sasha.
"I'll tell you what, sweetie, why don't we sign you up for all the jobs in the Framtid district. And if you don't like what you like go for a career change."
"OK," Zoe said pulling out her social pad and filling out the form.

The Forgotten World Part 4


Feb 26, 2011

The Forgotten World Part 2

The Forgotten World Part 1

Zoe had been looking at a hill covered with bright yellow flowers when Rocky and his friends had pushed her. She now stood up and watched them go. She then proceeded to go on her way to the Omnipotent Center. She assumed that's where they were going as well. She'd already been walking for an hour and fifteen minutes and she assumed she was getting close.
This assumption was correct because as she rounded the corner of the glass building she was standing by the large concrete Omnipotent Center took up her entire view.
She opened the doors and wandered into the building. She frowned, the Omnipotent Center was the only building in the glass era that was built of concrete instead of glass and it didn't nearly feel as nice on her feet as the glass did. She had been inside this building multiple times and had always been repulsed by the concrete floors.
Despite this, she made her way to the presentation room and looked around. Rocky and his friends were already in the room sitting down. Rocky snickered as he watched Zoe come in looking around like she was lost. "Oh, Zoe, over here," he said in a mocking tone.
Zoe ignored his tone and chose to sit next to him and his crew at the glass table they were sitting at.
They just stared at her until Lulu, a girl who was always chewing gum way to loudly, said, "Rocky, why did you invite the freak to come sit with us?" She didn't even attempt to lower her voice.
Rocky smiled. "Anything for my savage friend, Zoe," he said putting his arm around her. She shrugged it off.
It was then a very tall woman flew in. She landed with a plunk on the concrete and looked around at all the kids. She had very short scarlet hair, so short in fact, she couldn't even put it into a ponytail. She had large blue eyes and very attractive features. She smiled and the room hushed down. "I'm Sasha 86994980. I work at the Omnipotent Center as a career mentor. I'm here to help you chose your career today," she said.
"As you all know, 90 percent of the earth's working population works at the Omnipotent Center in different areas and different positions. The Framtid district has 100 percent of all working citizens working at the Omnipotent Center. I think that deserves a round of applause," she said and the class clapped and cheered loudly, "Okay, okay. Now, the Omnipotent Center has many career choices for all of you. I'm about to send a message to all of your social pads to decide which division you'd like to join the most. The list of your choices starts with the divisions in Framtid and then has the cities close to you and then proceeds to have the cities that are farthest from you. Then of course there's always the choice to opt out and decide to work on a different planet if that's what you really want."
She paused for a few seconds to pull out her social pad and then said, "Okay, you can start now." The kids immediately pulled out their social pads and got to work.
Duke, another one of Rocky's friends, said, "Hmm . . . I'm thinking of going into the transportation division, what are you guys thinking?"
"I really want to go into the shoe division but they let, like, nobody in there, 'cause everybody wants to do that," Daisy said.
"That doesn't even make any sense," Lulu said, smacking her gum, "They need a lot of people in that division. I mean everybody wears shoes."
"Well, almost everyone," Rocky said looking at straight at Zoe. Everyone started laughing.

The Forgotten World Part 3


Character Description (1) - Beauty and the Beast Bookseller

Character Name: Bookseller
Name: Adele Blanc Dupont
Age: 52
Where she lives: A quaint village.
Occupation: Bookseller
Family: Raymond Dupont (Husband - Deceased), Franck Blanc (Father - Deceased), Catherine Blanc (Mother - Deceased)
Background: Was born in the wealthy section of Paris. Father was a lawyer, mother was a house-wife. Her mother passed away when she just a little bit over four years old. Since she was left only with her father, he would bring home a lot of books to entertain her. She fell in love with books at a very young age. At the age of 19 she left home to where she lives now so she could be a tutor for a wealthy family there. She heard of a small book store in town. When she went there, she met Raymond Dupont, the owner of the store. Because they both had a love for books they got along well and soon were wed. Adele left her job as a tutor and moved into the bookshop to help her husband. Just three years later, she found out that her father had passed away. She continued to work and started to try to have children. She didn't have any though, and became very frustrated. At age thirty, still no children, Raymond got pneumonia. One year later he still had it with no signs of him getting better, so Adele was taking care of the shop all by herself. Soon Raymond, too, passed away and Adele was left a widow at age thirty-one. After closing down the shop and mourning for about one month, she reopened the shop and started working as hard as ever. She's still working that hard to this day.
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Book: None, she likes a lot of them.
Favorite Food: Eggs
Relationship to Main Characters:
Belle: She's always liked Belle. In fact Belle reminds her of herself when she was her age. She's always lets Belle into her bookshop and lets her barrow whatever book she wants. She always envisions Belle taking over her bookshop when she's gone. She considers Belle her friend and always enjoys talking to her, especially about books.
Gaston: She definitely knows who Gaston is. And she's heard plenty of stories. She doesn't like him personally, but she does like what she's heard. Gaston, though, barely knows who she is.
Le Fou: Acquaintances. She might have passed him a few times in the street and maybe even said "Bonjour" to each other. But that's about the extent of their relationship.

(Questions may be added. Answers are subject to change at any time.)