Thanks for visiting my blog! I created this blog to be able to put my story ideas down somewhere where I could share them with my friends and family. If you're here because I sent you here, thanks!!! I love it when people read my blog!
Some things you should know; I love writing but I'm just a novice which means I'm not that good. Also I'm really bad at updating, but I'm slightly better if I think someone's actually reading my blog. But the thing I'm worst at is finishing.
Thanks for reading anyway. Please leave comments. And if you want me to continue any story leave a comment or message me on Facebook or email me.

Finished Stories: 1
Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

Jan 26, 2010

The Forgotten World

Okay, so today I realized that I have about fifty ideas that have to do with the future. So I have dubbed this week future week. All week, until Saturday, I'm going to be putting up as many future story ideas as I have. Some might just be short summaries (because I can't figure out how to write the beginning) and others might be summaries and the beginning of the story.
My first story is called "The Forgotten World" it takes place in a futuristic world where they've built above the original surface a glass surface that's completely maintained and controlled by the government. So it's like living on Earth without all that pesky nature getting in the way like weather, dirt, and bugs/spiders.

Zoe's face hit the glass with a thump as she heard a triumphant applause of laughter. She looked up and watched her offender, Rocky, fly away. She stood up, her bare feet replacing her face on the glass.
Zoe was odd compared to the rest of the quiet city of Framtid. She believed in wearing what she wanted to wear and not what was in right then. She didn't have short hair in high pony tails, she preferred her long hair being able to blown around when a slight breeze passed by. She hadn't changed her hair color either; like all the other people with their hair in colors like blue, purple, and red; she had allowed her roots to change her hair back to it's original color, brown.
The weirdest thing about Zoe was, though, she never wore any shoes. She'd been going around bare-foot as long as most people in Framtid could remember. Shoes had always been a huge thing, the types of shoes you wore determined how cool you were. They told you're story. Zoe seemed to remember a history lesson where they learned that shoes were once used to keep your feet safe from the elements. But that was a long time ago before they lived in the glass world era.
That was another peculiar thing about Zoe, most people ignored the forgotten world below their feet, but Zoe was fascinated by it. She was always looking down at the beautiful landscape that passed beneath her feet. If she saw something she really liked she would stop and stare at it.
Another thing that made her different was she walked everywhere. And she wasn't just walking for exercise. She never flew past the world like the rest of Framtid did. She walked slowly, she took time to admire things.
People thought she was odd.

The Forgotten World Part 2


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