Thanks for visiting my blog! I created this blog to be able to put my story ideas down somewhere where I could share them with my friends and family. If you're here because I sent you here, thanks!!! I love it when people read my blog!
Some things you should know; I love writing but I'm just a novice which means I'm not that good. Also I'm really bad at updating, but I'm slightly better if I think someone's actually reading my blog. But the thing I'm worst at is finishing.
Thanks for reading anyway. Please leave comments. And if you want me to continue any story leave a comment or message me on Facebook or email me.

Finished Stories: 1
Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

Mar 13, 2017

Cassandra the All Knowing Part 8

By the way, I am changing Anton's name to Anthony. I'm not going to go back and change it in all the parts I've already written so just so everyone knows Anton and Anthony are the same person.

Part 7

It was still a few weeks before Cassandra had the filming of the first episode of her new show which was going to be called "Cassandra the All-Knowing." They were planning on filming it in front of a live studio audience and were currently building the set, discussing the format, and advertising to get an audience.

During these few weeks, she spent a majority of her time at the studio and did a lot fewer readings. So at first, she didn't notice anything wrong. There had always been skeptics in her line of work so when people didn't believe her she shook it off. She had learned that people tended to discard anything they didn't want to here and since she was now telling the whole truth about their futures there was plenty that people didn't want to hear. It wasn't until about a week later when Maria, an older superstitious lady, didn't believe her that she started to wonder. Maria was gullible, Cassandra had found that she didn't even have to try hard to give her a reading that she would be satisfied with. Cassandra started to reflect on the week. It was common for walk-ins to not believe in her, sometimes they only came for a laugh, but none of her regulars believed her either.

Cassandra thought back on what Anthony had said to her, that everyone would see her as a liar. She hadn't really worried about it at first, she thought that she would just seem unbelievable but since she was good at selling what she had she thought it would be easy to override the curse. She was now realizing how strong the curse actually was.

"It's fine," Cassandra said to herself. "Devin didn't believe me at first and I convinced him that I was a real psychic and I can convince others too. I just need to have visions that will happen immediately."

Cassandra spent the second week telling every client that came in what they wanted to know about as well as something that would happen in the next few hours or days. Nobody believed her but she was sure that people would start believing her once her visions started coming true. She decided to make sure that this was working when one of her clients, a man in his forties named Reggie, called.

"Hello, Reggie. It's always great to get your phone calls," she said.

"I need to cancel my reading for next week," he said.

"Really, why?"

"Truth be told I'm pretty sure you're a scammer. People have been telling me to not believe you for a while and I've had my suspicions as well, but I think after our reading last week I know for sure. Everything that you said just sounded so . . . well so . . . fake."

"What about the part that I told you about your store changing brands of soap in the bathroom? That came true didn't it. I must be a real psychic if that came true."

"I don't know. I wasn't really paying that much attention plus that's not super interesting," he said.

"Yes, but the point is that I knew it was going to happen which means other things that I say are going to happen will happen."

"Wow, you really sound like a scammer. I don't know how I didn't see it before."

"Fine, Reggie, do what you want. I don't need you, I'm about to become a TV psychic," she said.

"Have fun with that," he said hanging up.

Cassandra let out a frustrated huff. But the more she thought about it the less she was worried. Reggie had specifically said that he wasn't paying attention and she knew her other clients would not to mention that the girl who asked her about the date would probably be calling into Mad Maxwell's show pretty soon to tell everyone just how correct Cassandra actually was.

Part 9


Mar 4, 2017

Cassandra the All Knowing Index

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Cassandra the All Knowing Part 7

Part 6

Cassandra was walking on air as she made her way back to her apartment. She had finally achieved her dream of becoming a television psychic and it could only get better from here. Once people realized that she was a real psychic she might even get her own show on cable. She might really become famous. She really wished she could see her own future.

When she walked into the tattoo parlor there was Anton waiting for her. He was sitting casually with one of his legs crossed on one of the leather chairs that they had browsing one of the tattoo books that they put out. "Cassandra!" he said as she walked in. He smiled at her.

Cassandra sighed. She had completely forgotten that Anton was going to be there. "Anton," she said back.

"You look beautiful. Audition went well?" he said.

"Yes. We are discussing the details of creating a new show."

"Ready for our date?" he said uncrossing his legs and putting his book to the side.

"Yeah . . . here's the thing . . . I'm not going out with you," she said. "Sorry."

"We had a deal!" he said standing up.

"The thing is I didn't know you could actually give me the ability to see the future when I said I would go out with you," she said.

"So? We still had an agreement," he said. "Plus you can't tell me that you haven't benefited from my gift at all. If it wasn't for me you would have bombed that audition."

"It did, of course, but I'm just really not interested in you and I really don't want to waste a couple hours of my life. And I know that you can't take the gift away so I'm really not worried about it."

"You're right, I can't take away the gift, but I can give you a curse." He was angry. "Everyone will soon see you for what you are, a liar. People are already so skeptical of psychics now anyway. No one will ever believe you."

Cassandra rolled her eyes. "Yeah, but you're forgetting that I really can see the future. Even if they don't believe me initially once they realize that I'm telling the truth they will."

He snickered. "You may be pretty but you are really full of yourself. I don't know why I was ever interested in you." He walked past her towards the door. "You'll regret this, Cassandra."

Cassandra watched him leave and then went upstairs to her apartment. She wasn't too worried and besides she had a show to prepare for. She was able to convince Devin that she was a real psychic, she'd be able to convince anyone.

Part 8
