Thanks for visiting my blog! I created this blog to be able to put my story ideas down somewhere where I could share them with my friends and family. If you're here because I sent you here, thanks!!! I love it when people read my blog!
Some things you should know; I love writing but I'm just a novice which means I'm not that good. Also I'm really bad at updating, but I'm slightly better if I think someone's actually reading my blog. But the thing I'm worst at is finishing.
Thanks for reading anyway. Please leave comments. And if you want me to continue any story leave a comment or message me on Facebook or email me.

Finished Stories: 1
Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

Dec 12, 2010

Archie Smith, Boy Wonder

"A tiny voice asked, "Is he the one?"

Archie Smith was amazing: he could fly, he always sang on tune, and he never misplaced his socks. Whenever he went out the people would always shout, "There goes Archie Smith, boy wonder." This would always make Archie feel special and he would smile all day long. But Ms. Hardtohandle didn't like smiles, teaching, or the restaurant Max and Cheese. So when Archie came in with his big smile and sat down at his desk she would always say, "Look children, Archie Smith has his socks on the wrong feet." Archie knew it wasn't true so he kept on smiling. There had been a conspiracy that criminals wold steal things and then turn into light. Despite the fact they turn into light they weren't very bright. In fact they thought that they could steal Archie's specialness. So that night when Archie was sleeping a tiny voice asked, "Is he the one?" The other tiny voice responded by saying, "I've been telling you all night that he's the one." "Are you sure?" "Yes!" the second voice yelled.

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