Thanks for visiting my blog! I created this blog to be able to put my story ideas down somewhere where I could share them with my friends and family. If you're here because I sent you here, thanks!!! I love it when people read my blog!
Some things you should know; I love writing but I'm just a novice which means I'm not that good. Also I'm really bad at updating, but I'm slightly better if I think someone's actually reading my blog. But the thing I'm worst at is finishing.
Thanks for reading anyway. Please leave comments. And if you want me to continue any story leave a comment or message me on Facebook or email me.

Finished Stories: 1
Current Featured Story (the one I'm currently most focused on): Cassandra the All Knowing

Nov 24, 2011

The Forgotten World Part 13

So I got as far as I had planned. So, dang it, I have no idea what happens after this part. I'm going to have to some more planning before I add another part. Good news is I got as far as I planned. I'm on a roll. Enjoy Part 13.

The Forgotten World Part 12

Zoe spent the time before dinner studying the paintings on the wall. Jacob had told her that they weren't anything special but just him and Leah getting into paint when they were little kids and spreading it all over the place. Zoe didn't care, she found them fascinating. She also spent a lot of time just looking out the window and watching the beauty she had always watched from a different point of view.
It was just a little bit later when Ruth came in and told them that dinner was ready. They went downstairs to the main area that Zoe and Rocky had been introduced to the Humilis Tribe. Everyone greeted Zoe by telling her their name and welcoming her into the tribe. The woman serving the food gave Zoe two bowls, one for her and one for her “blue-haired friend.” Jacob explained that the food they were served was called Stew. It had vegetables, meats, and all other sorts of things combined into one bowl. He assured her that it tasted better then the jerky. He then proceeded to remove the meat pieces from Rocky's bowl into his and his sister's bowl.
Zoe couldn't wait to dig in but she noticed that nobody else was eating. She turned to Jacob and asked, “What is everyone waiting for?”
“A prayer. A prayer is where we thank God for all the blessings he sends us,” he said.
Just as he finished Sarah got up and tilted her head towards the ground in a humble position, she then proceeded to fold her arms. Zoe watched as the rest of the tribe followed her example and did the same. She also did the same. Sarah proceeded to give the prayer that Jacob had been talking about. As they finished everyone started eating. “Zoe,” Ruth said coming over. “Rocky just finished his surgery. My husband just brought him up to our room. Would you like to bring him his stew and give him some company.”
Zoe didn't even hesitate as she bounded up the stairs and into the room. Rocky sat on one of the mats with the leg that had been hurt bounded in cream-colored cloth that looked like it had been wrapped around a white stone.
“We're having stew,” Zoe said handing him his bowl. “It's vegetables and broth. Jacob took all the meat out of yours.”
“Is it good?” Rocky asked.
“I don't know. I haven't tasted it yet,” Zoe said. She put her spoon in the stew and took a bite. It reminded her of pottage except better tasting and she had to chew. It was very good. She didn't realize how good food could be.
Rocky did the same and seemed equally satisfied.
“How was the surgery?” Zoe asked.
“Painful. And Dr. John was such a jerk. The entire time during the surgery he talked about how I was such a baby and how he'd had little girls in there braver then me. He said I should have never left the Glass World and how I wasn't going to survive five seconds down here. I told him that I didn't chose to come down here and it just so happened that I wasn't used to being in such a Barbaric place. That didn't really shut him up but I stopped listening at that point,” Rocky said. “Zoe?”
“I'm listening,” she said.
“Why don't you get offended?” he said.
“It's not really all that offensive. I met Dr. John, he did seem like he could be a little mean. I wouldn't use-”
“No, I mean when my friends and I insulted you and did other things to you,” he said looking down.
“Oh. Well, the main reason is because I know who I am. The things you did didn't bother me because they were mostly true and I knew it and chose to remain the way I was. You called me different and it was true. I am different,” she said. “I'm not saying I wasn't hurt by what you said. It did hurt a little but I'm confident in myself enough that I didn't let it really get me down.”
“Why didn't you ever fight back?” Rocky said.
“I didn't think it was worth fighting over. You have to chose your battles and the one with your friends and you wasn't one that I wanted to fight. It was much easier to forgive and move on,” she said. “Besides your friends and you aren't bad people.”
Rocky stared at her.
“Does that surprise you?” she said.
He shook his head. “Not really. I wanted to thank you for saving my life.”
“If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have broken your ankle,” Zoe said.
“If it wasn't for you, I would have never been able to activate my shoe. I'd be dead right now. When I started to fall I went into shock. I froze. I couldn't have done anything for myself. Because of you all I got was a broken ankle,” he said.
“You know what it's like when the girl who you spent so much time making fun of both to her face and behind her back tries so hard to save your life, even risking her own life. Why didn't you just let me fall? You don't even like me,” he said.
“Just because you can be a bit mean at times doesn't mean that you don't deserve to live,” she said.
“Before I fell, you tried to warn me that the glass was broken. I'm sorry for not listening,” he said.
“I should have reported that glass right away but I thought it was interesting.”
Rocky laughed. “You're a saint, Zoe, you know that? Always have been.”
Zoe smiled. “So I guess this means we can be friends?”
“Who wouldn't want to be friends with you?”
Zoe smiled and then leaned over to give Rocky a hug.

The Forgotten World Part 14


Nov 23, 2011

The Forgotten World Part 12

The Forgotten World Part 11

“Right this way, Zoe,” Jacob said going into a room. A man also followed them in. Zoe and Jacob put Rocky on the table.
“I'm Dr. John,” he said. “So let me get this straight. You two fell from hundreds of feet up in the air and all you got was a hurt ankle?” He pointed at Rocky. “And this one didn't take any harm at all?” He pointed to Zoe. “Tell me, how is that possible?”
“It was my shoe it slowed down our fall,” Rocky said.
“Rocky hit the ground before me. He broke my fall,” Zoe said.
“Fine. Fine. I'm not sure if it's broken or just twisted, I mean nothing looks out of place or weird, but I'm going to put a cast on it anyway. You'll be able to get it off in a month,” Dr. John said.
“Wait, can't you just cure it with a laser?” Rocky said his eyes growing wide.
“Oh, boy,” Dr. John responded shaking his head. “Maybe where you're from. But if we can't even take a decent X-ray then we definitely can't do that. And since this is obviously your first time getting a cast, I'm going to warn you it's going to hurt quite a bit.”
Rocky whimpered. “I'm not sure if I want-”
“Stop being such a baby. I'll tell you one thing, kid, if you're going to live here you're going to need to man up,” he said. “Listen, if you don't get a cast on it and don't let it set it's going to hurt even worse.”
“Um, okay. I'll do it,” Rocky said squeezing his eyes shut.
“I'm going to ask you four to leave,” Dr. John said to Zoe, Jacob, and his sisters.
“Okay,” Jacob said as he guided the girls out.
As soon as they were out Rachel turned to Zoe and said, “You get to sleep in our room.”
“What?” Jacob said.
“She's right. Zoe's your responsibility which in turn means she's our responsibility,” Leah said.
“I think you're right, and we definitely have enough room for two more cots. I think we can make it work. Who's going to tell mom and dad?” Jacob said.
“We're right here,” a tall woman with the same nose and the same light-brown hair color as Jacob said.
“And we already set up the two additional cots,” the man that was her companion said.
“I'm Ruth and this is my husband, Daniel,” the woman said. “C'mon we'll show you where you'll be staying.” She then grabbed Zoe by the hand and led her up the stairs.
Zoe sighed and turned towards Jacob. “I hope that gets easier,” she said smiling.
“You hope what gets easier?” he responded.
“Stairs. Would you believe that the ones we just went up are only my second?” she said.
“Yeah, you'll get used to them,” he said.
“Thank goodness,” she said.
She was then led a little bit further and into a room. On the floor were six cots arranged in a circular pattern. They were all a light tan and each had a pillow on the end except one had two. The walls were covered hand prints and all sorts of things in different colors of paints. There was a storage unit against one wall that more of the brown storage units Zoe had seen in the house. “It's very nice,” she said.
“Thank-you. You'll be staying here for a while so I hope so,” Ruth said. “I going to go help with dinner. I'll come get you when it's ready.

The Forgotten World Part 13


The Forgotten World Part 11

The Forgotten World Part 10

Zoe smiled.
"I'm Sarah. First thing we need to do is get this little bright-haired boy a cast and a place to stay while he's being cured," she said with a very loud voice. "Jacob, since you brought them in I'm making you responsible for them."
"Yes, Sarah," Jacob said. "C'mon Zoe, let's take Rocky to Dr. John."
They started to walk and they were quickly joined by two girls on both sides of the party.
"Really, Jacob? Only you'd be able to go on a Hunting Trip and come back with a boy and girl from the Glass World," the taller of the two said.
The other girl pulled on Zoe's clothes and said, "You're really pretty. Are you and Jacob going to get married?"
"Leah! Rachel! Can we help you?" Jacob said.
"Yes," the younger of the two said turning to Rocky. "Why is your hair aqua blue?"
"Um, well, everyone where I'm from has about this bright of hair," Rocky said.
"But her hair isn't. Doesn't she come from the same place that you do?" she said referring to Zoe.
"You called me pretty. I've never been called that before. Thank-you," Zoe said.
"I'm Rachel," she said smiling.
"How old are you, Rachel?" Zoe asked.
"I'm 6," she said.
"I'm Leah," the other one said. "I'm 13."
"These are my sisters," Jacob said.
"Do you have any brothers or sisters, Zoe?" Rachel asked.
"No, with population control and people just wanting one kid, not a lot of people have more then one kid," Zoe said.
"My friend, Daisy, has a brother," Rocky said. "But she's the only one I know of."

The Forgotten World Part 12


Nov 22, 2011

The Forgotten World Part 10

I'm really excited. Part 10 is always a big deal for me. If I can get to part 10 then I'm on way to finishing the entire story. Plus I'm really excited for this scene. This is where they get to meet the entire tribe. Yay!

The Forgotten World Part 9

They had been wandering for quite some time when something in the distance grabbed Zoe's attention. “The Omnipotent Center,” she said gasping.
“Wow, it didn't know it was so close to the surface,” Rocky said looking at the looming gray building.
“They couldn't build up, so they built down. And there's no way you'd be able to tell that it's that close to the surface because there's no windows,” Zoe said.
“You guys talking about that annoying gray building. Hmm, Omnipotent Center? Fitting name. Actually the fact that we can see it this well is a good sign. Means we're getting close to the tribe. That dumb gray building is only fifteen minutes away from the tribe," Jacob said.
They went a little bit further until they came to a large brown building. "This is it," Jacob said.
"This is the tribe? In this building?" Zoe asked.
"Yeah, it used to be a school before, you know, everyone left. We used to live in the houses but when the other tribe attacked us for power we all moved in together to strengthen our forces. This is one of the biggest places we could find near by," Jacob said.
"Other tribes?" Zoe asked.
"Yeah, the attacks were actually over 35 years ago but we decided to stay together. This other tribe wanted to enslave us but failed. After the snow storm they decided to move back down South. I guess they didn't like snow. Anyway, we haven't seen any of them since,
"That's why I was so confused when I saw you. I thought you were for sure one of the people from that power-hungry tribe but then again you definitely didn't have the same accent," Jacob told them. "Should we go in?"
Zoe nodded and Jacob pushed open the doors. Zoe didn't see anyone but then Jacob said almost reading her mind, "They're all in the common area."
They only had to walk a little bit further when they walked into a room filled with sunlight. One of the walls was covered with windows. The room was filled with people, they all turned to stare at Jacob, Zoe, and Rocky as they walked in. They went silent.
A near by woman broke the silence by saying, "Jacob, who are these people?"
"This is Rocky and Zoe, they're from the Glass World. Rocky's broken his ankle and I was hoping that our tribe could offer them a bit of hospitality," he responded talking to the entire room.
"They don't belong here," a young man yelled from across the room.
"Don't be such a baby, Aaron," a little white-haired old lady said walking up to Jacob. "These two came from up there. Well, I say they must be angels who've fallen from Heaven."
"Is Heaven another name for our world?" Zoe asked.
"What's an angel?" Rocky asked.
"Oh, boy. You two have never heard of Heaven or angels?" she asked.
They shook their heads.
"Well, they have a lot to learn but as tribal councilor. I say we teach them," she said turning around and smiling at the people.

The Forgotten World Part 11


Nov 12, 2011

The Dreams

Just so you know, this actually was my dream, well, tweeked a lot. My dream was like Inception and three TV shows I had watched mixed with a possible computer game as well as a little bit of reality and my own subconscious thoughts. But this is not my dream. Enjoy.

If my mother had taught me anything, it was hard work. If my father taught me anything, it was to be a lazy drunk bum. Luckily I always preferred my mother.
My mother had liked my father when they were dating, she told me he had been a different man, a gentleman. But just a few months after their wedding, he was laid off of his job. My mother worked at a waitress and my father decided that he no longer needed a job if she was working. He would confiscate her check every month and if she tried to refuse he would hit her or beat her. He started out using it to pay the rent, buy food, and just an occasional beer but as time moved on, he used it mostly only to buy alcohol.
Little did my father know, mostly because he was always to drunk to notice, was that my mother asked for two checks from her work, her boss was happy to oblige when he heard of her circumstances and split her pay in half. She gave him one check and used the other to pay for food and rent as well as saving as much as she could. She told me every day that as soon as she could get enough money, we'd be leaving somewhere where we would be safe, somewhere he would never find us.
I was five years old when we ran away. She had only saved a little money but her sister, her parents, and her friends has helped her out a little too. They couldn't stand seeing her with that man. We had lived in Boston but we went as far as we could, almost to the other side of the country to live in a small town in Montana. My mother got a job, almost right away, once again as a waitress for a small local diner. She divorced my father and we never saw him again. Immediately she looked 20 years younger.
It's been ten years. Now my mother owns the small diner. The original owner, having no kids, gave it to her when he retired. She owns a small house near by with a small garden and a chicken coop. She's engaged to a wonderful man who makes her very happy. As for me, I am 15 years old now and I work as a farm hand at a near by local farm. I also work part-time at my mother's diner. I work hard to help her pay the bills, the rent, and for food.
My story starts at that farm.

Charity, the farmer's youngest daughter, watched me feed the animals. "When's your mom getting married?" she asked me.
"June 18th," I said.
"Oh, we're so excited for her wedding. We were going to give you a little raise so it would be even better," Mrs. White, the farmer's wife, said, coming in.
"That's okay. Will is pretty persistent in paying for the whole thing. He's pretty well off. His house is big enough that all my step-siblings and I will be able to have our own rooms," I said.
"We're going to miss you. What is your mother going to do with her diner?" she asked.
"She's planning on keeping it. She's going to buy a car so she can get there every day. I was planning on keeping my job here at the farm as well. My mom was just going to drive me here every day."
"Well, you're an excellent farm hand. I don't know we'd do without you," Charity said biting her lip and staring at my chest.
"Yes, well we appreciate you for more then just your abs," Mrs. White said.
"Good to know," I said putting back on my shirt, "I have to go start my shift at the diner."
"See you later. I can't wait for your mom's wedding," Mrs. White said.
"Bye Mason," Charity said.

Nov 9, 2011

Time Capsule

This is the story I might have written at the end of Future Week, maybe, I actually just came up with the idea recently. Oh, heck, who am I kidding? I had no idea what I was going to write at the end of Future Week just pretend this was it.

Imagine loosing all your senses. You can't feel a thing, it's like floating in mid-air. You can't taste anything. That horrible taste in your mouth, almost as a constant, is gone. You can't smell, you can't see, and you can't hear anything. All of your senses have left. It's almost like you don't have a body at all anymore.
You are completely alone with your thoughts. Time passes but you are unaware of how much. There is nothing distracting you. You have no needs. You don't get hungry, you don't get tired or thirsty, and you don't have any itches anywhere. And all material needs are gone as well, you need nothing when you are nothing.
This was the state I was in currently. When I first realized I was in this state I panicked. How had I gotten here, to this state of nothingness? I started to worry I'd forget who I was. I'd forget where I came from. I'd forget my hopes and dreams.
I'd remind myself constantly, "My name is Destiny Nolan, no middle name. I lived in Denver, Colorado my entire life. I am 16 years old. I have a father but I'm not sure where my mother is. I used to know her but she left soon after I turned 8. I have brown hair that reaches my shoulders and green eyes like my mother." And so on. It was soon after when I realized that the entire process was trivial. I wasn't soon to forget where I had come from, actually the opposite occurred. The past was all I had. I was alone with my memories. You know when you sit and think about something for a while it eventually comes back to you like it had just been waiting for you to look for it. It was like that for me all the time, my memories became sharper things coming back the more I thought about them.
I found thinking about the world's problems and overall intricate philosophical thinking overall boring and monotonous. I preferred thinking of good things I had seen, jokes I had heard, stories I had been told, and things I would do if I were to return to normal. I'm not sure what you would do with what seems like an infinite amount of time alone with your thought but that is what I did with mine.
I had been sitting this way for quite some time. I was unaware how much had passed. When I thought back it seemed like it could have been anywhere from a few minutes to many years. I had become content.
Then it all come back to me at once. Suddenly a flood of light entered where there had only been darkness and a yellow room accompanied it. All of my senses came back to me. You don't realize that you're always hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling something until you haven't for a while. I regained the movements of my body, I literally I was able to feel my body begging my mind to control it. All the aches of being human also returned. I wasn't hungry but I wasn't satisfied with the amount of food I had now. I ached and itched all over. I truly wished I could just close my eyes and go back within the first five seconds of my new existence.
I stumbled into the yellow room. It wasn't actually yellow but because of the artificial lighting, the brown furniture, and the cream colored walls it felt yellow. I looked around. There was no one here.

Nov 3, 2011

Future Week and Computer Failure

Okay, I realize that Future Week Banner was up for a long time but I couldn't fix it because I didn't have access to my laptop due to my cord dying which is also the reason I wasn't able to continue with Future Week. Sadness. It would have been neat. Oh well, there's always the next themed week. Anyway I'm back and so is my original format.

Oct 12, 2011

Kids of the Future Part 1

I sort of did this story last Future Week but I started in the middle so now I'm just starting over. And once you read the dialogue you'll realize why I started in the middle. Please enjoy the cheesy dialogue.

Todd draped himself upside down over the bed and stared blankly at the wall across from him. Nate sat right next to the bed with it supporting his back. And Kyle laid on the floor looking at the ceiling.
"I'm bored," Todd stated. The other two grunted their responses.
"I'm pretty sure Mr. Appleton's lecture wore me out," said Nate.
"Most pointless assembly ever," said Todd.
"'Qualities of Successful People' isn't a pointless subject," Kyle said looking up at Todd.
"It wasn't the subject, it Mr. Appleton. He has a way of making even the most successful students feel like they'll never amount to anything," Nate said.
"Who cares? I already know I'm going to be a famous football player," Todd said sitting up.
"I would really like to become a successful inventor," Kyle said.
"I'd . . . um . . . I don't know what I want to be," Nate said, "It does make me wonder if we will be successful, rich, and famous. I change my mind, that's what I want to be: successful, rich, and famous."
"That's some ambition," Todd sighed.
"We won't know until the time actually comes," Kyle said.
The boys nodded in agreement.

Oct 10, 2011

The Forgotten World Part 9

I thought it would be incredibly appropriate to start off with a new part of the Forgotten World since that one is an increasingly popular one. I'm afraid I won't be able to write much since I started so late in the evening thanks to the internet being down but I'll write a few paragraphs.

The Forgotten World Part 8

"It's all we have," said Zoe, "You get used to it."
Jacob looked at her and then at Rocky. "We can wait to eat until we get to the camp. My tribe has some fruit and vegetables that you can eat instead. But just as a small warning, you probably won't survive here without meat." He held out his hand to take the jerky back.
"I'll eat it," Zoe said. "It's much better then pottage and there's no animals on the surface so it's not like I have a connection to them. And after all I'm willing to try new things."
Jacob smiled at her.
"Zoe," Rocky complained. He looked at Jacob then whispered in Zoe's direction. "I admit that it's better then pottage but we're not savages, we're much more advanced then the people down here and we don't have to amount to their level."
"Rocky, just yesterday, you called me a savage. That word means nothing to me," she said biting back into the meat.
Rocky didn't say anything back and stared at the ground, the meat in his hand still. As they finished up and continued on their way, he still didn't say anything else.
Meanwhile Jacob introduced Zoe and Rocky to the local fauna and gave them more terms for things that surrounded them. Zoe would eagerly ask him questions and repeat what he said like an obedient student.

The Forgotten World Part 10


Future Week

I've officially changed the date of Future Week for two reasons, I think I missed it this year and I have no clue when it is. So from now until I decided that this whole week thing is too dumb an idea to carry on Future Week is Oct. 10-17. Which you can clearly see if you scroll to the very bottom of the page. I'm really excited for this and hope it's not a flop like most of my other writing goals are.
I'm also hoping to do a few more of these themed weeks. I really like the challenge. At the end of these weeks I'm also going to try to come up with a completely new idea. I've already came up with another one of these themed weeks and I hope that I can come up with a couple more.
Anyway, enjoy Future Week! And remember:
The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.
~ Albert Einstein

Oct 2, 2011

Ice Cold Matilda

The Densons picked up their boxes and put them in the back of their truck as they once again left another house. Mrs. Denson's hobby was to buy a house, fix it up, and sell it and then do it again. Mr. Denson was supportive of his wife and could quite honestly work anywhere as long as he had access to the internet, a telephone, and an airport to his advantage. Their kids, Megan and Josh, didn't especially like always moving around and leaving their friends but they never really stayed anywhere long enough to become too attached.
Today they were heading to a large house in a small town. They had got for relatively cheap because of the age of the house and because it was a real fixer-upper. Mrs. Denson was thrilled.
When they entered the town they noticed that the houses weren't right next to each other like they were in the last place they'd been. They were separated from each other with farm land or forest between them. The further they went into the center of town, the closer the buildings came together.
Mr. and Mrs. Denson decided to stop at a small convenience store to pick up some groceries for the week.
"We're going to want to make sure that it's not perishable, since Julie said that the house doesn't have a fridge. Just an ice-box," Mrs. Denson said to Mr. Denson.
"I know, dear, you already told me," he said.
Josh followed his parents with his little sister on his side. Josh was 16 years old and Megan was 14. He was a quite taller then her and had dark brown hair. Megan's hair was a sandy blond, she wore braces on her teeth which she played with, with her tongue as her parents argued about what to get. Josh ignored them and instead pulled out the book he was reading out of his backpack and started to read.
After a lot of arguing and a little bit of time they eventually made their way to the register. The woman looked up at them with narrow eyes and said, "You're not from around here are you? Where are you heading?" She had dark gray hair and a scowl on her face that looked like if she tried smiling, she would fail.
"We're heading to the Dewdrop Manor just down the road from here, we just purchased it," Mrs. Denson said.
A loud silence hit as everyone looked at the Denson family.
"Did you say the Dewdrop Manor? Let me guess, you've never been there," the cashier said.
"No, we haven't. But my husband can read a map pretty well, so we'll be able to find it," Mrs. Denson said.
"How did you know?" Megan asked.
"Because if you had you wouldn't have bought it. That place is ice-cold thanks to the ghost," she said.
"Ghost?" Mr. Denson asked.
"The entire Manor is haunted. 16-year-old Matilda Marchbanks wandered through the cold winter night looking for a place to warm herself up when she found the Dewdrop Manor. She knocked on the door and asked to warm herself up and for whatever reason was turned away. Due the negligence of the couple in the manor she froze to death and died. She still haunts the Manor to this day making it as cold as the day she died," she said.
"That's nonsense. Every old house needs a ghost story, right? I don't believe a word of it. I don't believe in ghosts," Mrs. Denson said.
"Fine," the cashier said, "Believe what you want. You'll believe me though when you get to house.

Sep 4, 2011

The Forgotten World Part 8

The Forgotten World Part 7

The wandered for a while. Zoe was facinated by this world up close. She had seen a lot of it above the glass but it was much prettier up close. She liked the way that the trees would move when a wind passed making a pleasant sound. She liked the way the clouds moved and stayed and how they formed some sort of shapes. She liked how the colors complimented each other even though they were different. The birds and insects flew around her making beautiful music and fluttering away when they saw her. She was amazed by the concept of other life that not only wasn't human but seemed to know exactly what it was doing. Even the houses seemed more natural then the houses above them.
After they wandered silently for a few minutes Jacob finally turned to her and said, "I have to ask; what is is like up there on the glass world?"
"I don't really know what it's like down here so I can't really compare," she said. Right then she stepped on a small rock. She paused to try to get it off her foot by rubbing it on her other leg, then continued on her way.
"For instance do a lot of people not wear shoes?" he asked, then looking up, he added, "I guess you wouldn't really need them."
Zoe didn't answer. She just looked down at her bare feet.
"Everyone wears shoes, it's the only way to get around. Our shoes can lift us up and carry us up to 50 miles per hour, where as just walking would get you no where," Rocky said.
"Oh," Jacob looked at Zoe who had decided to look up and look straight ahead. He continued, "Okay, another question, are all the watches in your world the same? I couldn't help but notice that both of you were wearing the same one," Jacob said.
"Watches?" Rocky and Zoe asked at the same time. Zoe searched her memory to see if that word rang any bells but she was pretty sure that was the first time that she had heard that word.
"Yeah, the thing on your wrist," he said.
"Oh, our social pads," Zoe said.
"Social Pads? How do they work?"
She smiled at him and said, "I would show you but both of my hands are full right now."
"Here I can show him," Rocky said and with that he opened up his screen and showed him what it looked like. It was basically like a computer screen but using hologram technology it floated in the air with a press of a button. It had everything on it: games, the time, inventory, finances, chat, email, books, school-work, and a lot more.
"Woah, that's pretty cool, can you interact with it," Jacob asked.
"Sure," Rocky pressed a few buttons and eventually got to a chat screen. He scrolled down his list of friends and then turned it off. "I would probably go ahead and chat with someone but we get no service down here at all. Which is weird because we get service everywhere on the surface. Now I know why they even put a service bar on the screen."
"How did you avoid going up?" Zoe said looking right at Jacob.
"Well, when the world government got together and decided to create an entirely new community in the sky, a lot of people didn't want to go up," he said.
"Right, the anti-change rebels," Zoe said. "But the government forced everyone to go up, they searched for these rebels, they had trackers and everything, and by the time that they shut the last panel everyone was up there. They triple-checked."
"Except the trackers were made for the glass world. They only worked through openings and windows. That's why when people hid in caves or basements they were all found. Caves have an opening and basements normally have windows. But two families hid in an old shed that had no windows and the door touched the ground. When inside you were completely sealed in. No one ever found them. Those people are my ancestors and that's why we're here today," Jacob explained.
"Why would anyone ever want to live down here? I mean if we were still on the glass world, we would have been able to call an ambulance and I would be fixed already. Plus it's filthy down here," Rocky said.
"I do. I mean look at all this beauty that surrounds us," Zoe said.
Jacob looked at Zoe and then looked at Rocky. "Are you guys friends?" he asked.
"Not really," they said at the same time.
"Right," Jacob said. "You guys hungry, we could take a break and eat a little before we continue." Zoe and him put Rocky down and Jacob pulled out a bag. He searched through it. "I only have some jerky and it's a little bland. My mom never puts enough spices on it. I promise you the food at the tribe is much better, though probably not as good as what you have on the glass world."
He then proceeded to hand them the jerky. Zoe stared at it, without eating it. It didn't look edible. The only food they had on the surface was called pottage and it was just a cream colored semisolid liquid. Not only did the jerky look bad but when she looked at Jacob who was eating it, it looked tough to eat. It practically had to rip it off with his teeth.
She tried it though. She copied what Jacob was doing and pulled it with her teeth. She was amazed at how strong her teeth were, it took a little effort to rip it off but not enough that it was too hard. She chewed a little. It didn't taste or feel like pottage at all. It had much more flavor and it was much rougher on her tongue. It wasn't bad at all, it tasted much better then pottage.
After seeing Zoe take a bite, Rocky did as well. His reaction was very similar to Zoe's. "Hey, what is this?" Rocky asked.
"Deer," Jacob said.
"What?" Rocky and Zoe asked at the same time.
"The meat my mom used is deer," he said again. "It's not as good as beef but we had a lot more deer meat."
"Meat. That's just another word for a dead animal isn't it? You mean to tell me that I'm eating a dead animal?" Rocky asked. "That's so barbaric."
"You guys don't have meat on the glass world?" Jacob asked.
Zoe cringed. "No, not at all. We only have pottage," she said. "Which is just edible glass."
It was Jacob's turn to cringe. "That doesn't sound good at all."

The Forgotten World Part 9


Jul 18, 2011

The The Superior 4: The Beginning

Rachel frowned as her friend Brittany whispered to her, "Don't look now but Micheal is staring at you again. Wow, he really has a thing for you, doesn't he?"
"Whatever," she said glaring at him. Micheal had to have been the least popular boy in school.
"What do you have next again, Rachel?" her friend Ashlynn asked.
"Weight Lifting," she said with a groan.
"I hate that class. Coach Moore makes us work so hard. He makes us lift as much weight as we can and he always knows when we're cheating," Brittany said.
I can fool him, Rachel thought, laughing silently in her head. But then again she could also lift the entire machine over her head without even flinching.
"Seriously, when is he going to get the hint and stop staring at me," she said to her friends. And right then he got the hint and started staring at some hippie girl named Livvy.
Livvy Lynn shuddered as she realized that Micheal was starring at her again. She broke her attention from the conversation that she'd been listening to and looked straight at him. It was really the birds that she'd been listening to that had brought his staring to her attention. She went back to listening to them. Typically she avoided talking to the birds while she with human people but she enjoyed listening to them. Sometimes they were more interesting then her human friends.
She looked back at him and he wasn't staring at her again and calmed down.
"Dude, are coming bowling with us tonight," Ty asked Cody Chase on another side of the cafeteria.
"Oh yeah, wouldn't miss it," Cody said.
"Dude, last time you said that you totally missed it," Ty said.
Yeah, because last time you asked one of my clones and I can't retain any of those memories, Cody thought. "Sorry, dude, I totally forgot but this time I'll remember for sure."
Right then something caught Cody's eye. Why the heck is Micheal Mortenson staring at me again? he thought.
That's when Micheal got up and left.

Rachel Rover opened her locker and a note fell out. Her friend Brittany picked it up and laughed. "Rachel check this out:
'Dear Rachel Rover,
'I know your secret. If you wish to keep it hidden you'll come to 678 S. 1200 W. at 7 o'clock tonight. I'll see you there. Come alone.' Doesn't say who sent it. But there's a weird little picture at the bottom of a weight. Weird. Is there a secret that you're hiding," she said.
Rachel took the note from her and stared at it. Meanwhile in other parts of the school Livvy and Cody were also opening their lockers and finding similar notes with one difference. Livvy had a picture of a deer and a bird and Cody found a picture of three identical black silhouettes.

Livvy's heart beat quickly as she sped walked up to the address she had been told to go to. She could swear that she'd been followed for the last half-mile. The mysterious note wasn't helping at all either. She was finally at the house that she been going to but it didn't help.
Suddenly she heard a crunch and she couldn't take it anymore. "Is someone there?" she yelled out.
She heard the footsteps speed up as one of the boys she recognized from her geography class joined her.
"Livvy?" he asked.
"Cody?" she said.
"What are two losers doing here? Don't tell me that you're the ones who sent the weird note," Rachel said.
"Did the note tell you to come here at 7 o'clock? And said that they knew your secret?" Livvy asked.
"Yep," she said.
"I got one of those too," Livvy said.
"Me too," Cody said.
"So if it's not from either of you, who was it from?" Rachel asked.
"I guess we'll find out," Cody said heading to the door. He gave it a strong knock.
Less then a few seconds later the door swung open and their host stared at them.
"Micheal Mortenson. Wow, what a surprise there. I'm out," Rachel said.
"Wait, Rachel, I know you're curious why you're here. I know you're curious how I know you're secret. And I know you know exactly what secret I'm talking about."
She turned around and faced him. "If you touch me I will beat you up," she said.
"Don't worry that's one fight I would like to avoid and I have absolutely no interest in kissing you. Actually I asked all three of you to come here to ask for your help. I'm fully aware of your unique abilities and although you've never used them to help anyone I think with a little training we could make it work,"
"Special abilities?" Livvy asked.
"Yes, Livvy, you're incredible ability to speak to and command animals. Cody's ability to clone himself. And Rachel's amazing super strength," he said.
"How the heck to know about that Mortenson?" Rachel asked.
"Because Rachel, I too have an amazing ability. I can read minds. That's how I know you've been pretending for years that you could lift less then you can. I've been able to know what animals have been saying through Livvy's mind. And I've been able to know that Cody skipped school on Monday and instead sent a clone. And it's how I know right now that all of you are doubtful and confused," he said. "So let's demonstrate our powers for each other to lessen the confusion. Follow me."
They followed him straight into a bedroom. He moved a picture frame and revealed a panel covered with buttons. He pressed a few and the bed moved to reveal a secret passage way. The followed him down the stairs and into a large basement full of gadgets.
"Okay, Cody, would you like to go first. I would just like you to clone yourself four times," Micheal said. "And the reason I'm not going first Rachel is because I already have."
"Dude, I've never shown my power to anyone," Cody said nervously.
"It's okay. I know you can and I know you're dying to show someone your powers. Show us, we all have super powers," Micheal said.
Cody started to separate himself and suddenly there were two of him.
"Can you show us that you can do it multiple times. Just three more times if you will," Micheal said.
"Okay, fine. Easy," Cody said. He then filled the room with his clones.
"I said four times not forty," Micheal said.
"Whatever," Cody said turning all his clones into dust which flowed his direction.
"Okay, Rachel would you like to go next. Follow me," Micheal said as he started to walk away.
"I'm not super in any way. I refuse to do anything that you tell me to," Rachel said following him.
"Really, I guess you can just leave then and when we're saving the world you may just regret leaving right away," Micheal said.
"Fine. I'm super strong. I admit it. Do I still need to demonstrate it?" Rachel asked.
"It would be nice. I had an entire demonstration ready for you and everything," Micheal said.
"Fine. Whatever, what do you want me to do?" she asked putting her hands on her hips and leaning to the right.
"I have this box weighing at least 400 pounds. I just need you to pick it up for me and put it over head. Easy for you right," Micheal said.
"Whatever," she said. She did exactly what he told her to do.
"How much do you weigh, Rachel? And don't say none of your business. I'm making a point," Micheal said.
"About 90 pounds," she said.
"Rachel can lift at least 4 times her weight without even flinching. I bet she can even lift more but I couldn't fit anymore into the box," he said. "Okay, Livvy."
"Yes," she said very loudly and quickly.
"I have a parakeet in a room -" he said.
"Okay," she said. And she started making chirping sounds.
"I wasn't done-" he said but he was cut off by flapping wings as his parakeet landed on Livvy's shoulder.
"What the? How did you do that? He was in a cage and everything. How did you?" he said.
"You're the one who can read minds," Rachel said.
"When I choose to. . . I'm not getting-" Micheal said.
"Dude, what's your point we all have super powers," Cody said interrupting.
"Right, I've asked you to come here today because there is great evil about and I can't defeat them alone. I realize that you've never used your powers to fight crime but applied correctly I believe you could do good for man-kind," Micheal said.
"What sort of crime are you talking about?" Livvy asked.
"Like robber and murderers and stuff. Can't the police take care of that?" Cody asked.
"No, there is a much greater evil -" Micheal started.
"Will you stop talking like that and just start talking like a normal person?" Rachel said. "If that's possible," she mumbled to herself.
"Fine. There's this super villain named Dr. P and I need your help to defeat him," Micheal said.
"Dr. P? What does the P stand for? What is he like? What can he do that makes him so super?" the three kids asked.
"I don't really know a lot about him but I know he's dangerous and he needs to be stopped. And I can't do that alone," he said.
"I'm in," Livvy said.
"What?" Rachel said.
"Me too," Cody said.
"What? You're just going to jump in right away. I mean, I'm not ready to reveal my secret," Rachel said.
"No need. We'd have secret identities just like in the comic books," said Micheal.
"Still. I know nothing about-" Rachel said.
"Rachel. We need you," Livvy said.
"Fine. I'm in," Rachel said.
"To the Superior 4!" Micheal yelled.
"To the Superior 4!" the others repeated.

Jun 23, 2011

Lilly and Corbin

She walked in with her head held high, her dark brown hair in a short ponytail. She carefully took a seat next to a boy in a wheelchair. She smiled at him and asked, "Is this the "people who are too lame to get there license" seminar?"
He smiled back at her and said, "Yeah this is non-drivers seminar? Why are you here?"
"I could ask you the same thing," she said. He laughed. "Would you believe that my idiot parents lost my birth certificate and my social security number?"
"Yep. I asked them if they could get me copies and they said they couldn't remember the name of the hospital that I was born in," she said. "I'm Lilly by the way."
"Corbin," he said.
"You go to Ceaser High, right? I think I've seen you around," Lilly said.
"Yeah I do, you do too?" he asked.
"I haven't seen you around," he said.
"Well, no offense but your just a little bit more noticable."
"None taken. Yeah, the wheelchair is a little noticable, isn't it?"
"Oh my gosh, you are in a wheelchair. I was talking about the glasses," she said. "Hmm, I like you Corbin. You are now one of my friends."
"You too. But I haven't met anyone who tells people when they're friends."
"You haven't met anyone like me," she said.

May 27, 2011

The Forgotten World Part 7

The Forgotten World Part 6

"What do you need help with?" Jonah asked.
"My friend, he hurt his ankle. I don't know what to do," Zoe said.
"Where is he?" asked Noah.
"Inside this house. Follow me," she said. She swung around and headed for the house with the boys behind her. She opened the front door and headed towards Rocky.
The boys stopped in their tracks as soon as they saw Rocky, "Woah, does everyone have this bright colored hair?" Noah said.
"Yes," Zoe said, "Can you help him?"
"Yeah, you said he hurt his ankle right?" Jacob said. He leaned down and inspected his ankle, "This is a pretty good homemade cast."
"Um, why aren't either of you wearing shoes?" asked Eli.
"My shoe on the foot that's not broken fell off and Zoe took the other one off when she was trying to fix it. And Zoe never wears shoes," Rocky said.
"What's your name?" Jacob said.
"It's Rocky," he said.
"Hmm, well I think we need to take you back to the tribe to take care of this," Jacob said.
"But, Jacob, what about hunting?" Noah said.
"I'll take them back. You only need three people for any hunting mission. We only had four because Jonah insisted on coming," Jacob said.
"Hey!" Jonah said.
"Your going to become a gatherer Jonah, anyway," Noah said. "That's fine, Jacob."
"Yeah, Jacob, that works," Jonah said.
"Okay, I'll see you guys back at the tribe," Jacob said. And after saying their good-byes they left.
"Okay, Zoe, you know how to do a two person lift?" Jacob asked. She shook her head no and and he taught her how. They were on their way, "So the tribe is only an hour away just walking but walking with someone it might take up to two hours."
"Thanks for helping us," Zoe said.

The Forgotten World Part 8


May 26, 2011

The Forgotten World Part 6

The Forgotten World Part 5

As she made her way to the top of the stairs she felt a sore pain in her legs. She looked back at the stairs for a few seconds and then moved on.
She wandered into the first room and she looked around suddenly something almost hit her. She stumbled backwards and hit a wall. Right above her was a bird and a nest, the window was broken and it was obvious that was how it had flown through. Zoe felt her heart speed up quickly. She left the room without a second thought.
She wandered around the other rooms on the second floor being careful. She walked into one room with two white storage spaces. These storage spaces were unique though as she opened them she realized that they were circular spaces instead of the square spaces that the others had. She looked down and realized that they had drawers at the bottom. She pulled the drawers out and looked in.
Inside were square pieces of cloth. She picked them up and smiled. She envisioned herself tying the square cloth around Rocky’s ankle. “This could help,” she said. She grabbed as many as she could and went down stairs.
“Rocky, look what I have!” she said as she walked slowly down the stairs.
“What? What is it?” he said.
“I don’t know, but I think it could help,” she said. She leaned down, took off his shoes, and tied one around his leg. It seemed to help a little but what she needed was some sort of support.
Suddenly she heard a sharp painful rasp on the window. She looked and there were was an overgrown tree hitting it. She smiled. “I’ll be right back, Rocky,” she said.
“Zoe!” he said as she ran for the front door.
She grabbed a bunch of tree branches in her hand and pulled them off. She started to peal of the flowers and leaves as she walked inside. She sat down and started working hard by putting branches around his leg and tying them with pieces of cloth.
“There, how does that feel?” she said to him tying the last knot.
“Painful,” he said. She frowned. “But it will do. I think it’s helping, actually.”
“I’m so sorry, Rocky,” she said.
He just looked at her.
“I’m going to go look for some food. I couldn’t find any in here,” she said.
“Zoe, wait,” he said.
“Never mind,” he said. “I just don’t think there’s anything edible out there. And I mean how would you be able to tell?”
“I’ll see what I can find,” she said leaving.
She looked for things that she had heard that were edible such as berries or roots. She only sort of knew what they looked like. Berries, she had heard were round and colorful. She searched in her memory for roots but she couldn’t remember what they were.
She searched through the grass and in the bushes. She found flowers but she couldn’t seem to find any berries. A few flower bushes poked her, she abandoned those ones quickly. She tried not to stray to far from the house.
She was looking through a large bush in the front of the house when she a male voice say, “Who’s there?” from the other side of the bush.
It had to be a rescue team. Someone had noticed that they were gone and also the hole in the glass. She jumped up and ran around to the other side yelling, “You have to help me.”
On the other side were four young boys. They each had neutral colored hair, and neutral colored clothes. On their backs were large bags. They each had a sharp weapon held out like a sword or a knife, they weren’t weapons that were used where she cam from. She backed up a little. “You have to help me,” she said in a quieter voice.
“What tribe are you from?” The one in the front with a longer sword asked. He was Asian and had sharp black hair and brown eyes.
“What?” she asked. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m from Framtid.”
They looked at each other confused. “Where’s that?” another boy asked. This one had light brown hair and blue eyes.
She pointed up. They all looked.
“You’re from the Glass World?” the blue eyed boy asked.
She nodded. “Aren’t you?” she said.
“No,” they all said individually.
“But nobody lives down here. Everyone went up.”
“Not everybody,” said another boy with a darker brown hair and a crooked nose.
Zoe stepped back even more. “I’m Zoe,” she said.
“I’m Noah,” said the boy with the crooked nose.
“I’m Jonah,” said the Asian boy.
“I’m Jacob,” said the boy with light brown hair.
“I’m Eli,” said a tall boy in the back who hadn’t talked yet.
“You have to help me,” Zoe said.

The Forgotten World Part 7


May 25, 2011

The Forgotten World Part 5

Forgotten World Part 4

Rocky fell on the foot with the shoe on. "Ugh," Rocky said grabbing his ankle. Tears swelled up in his eyes and he rocked back and forth.
Zoe stood up and looked straight up at the hole they had just fallen through, it seemed so far away now. She looked around and suddenly felt an overwhelming sensation of fear and adrenaline. She didn't know anyone who had been on the bottom layer before.
The whole thing had a musty smell to it that she had never smelt before. Everything was so natural down here, all the colors and everything. It was much nicer up close. She could hear a lot of chirping and she assumed it was the birds though she couldn't see any. Currently she was standing on a black surface that felt very uncomfortable on her feet. It was very rough and very bumpy. On her right was gray concrete like they had in the Omnipotent Center. And next to that was some plants that she believed were called grass. Past that was a primitive dwelling of someone who had lived her before the great movement. Everything down here was so fascinating.
Then she noticed Rocky who was biting his lip and whimpering. "Rocky, what's wrong?" Zoe asked.
"My ankle. I think I landed on it wrong," he said.
"Can you stand?" she asked.
Rocky tried but he ended up just groaning and crying even more as he collapsed back on the ground.
"I think you might have broken it. I'm sorry this was my fault, if I hadn't been holding onto you, your shoe would have been able to bring you down slower maybe even bring you back up," Zoe said.
Rocky just looked at her.
"I'll call an ambulance to pick us up," Zoe looked back up at the hole, "I better hurry before close up the hole."
She pressed the button on the Social Pad and it popped up. She immediately started to call for the ambulance. A message popped up: "We're sorry but you cannot make this call. You are currently in a zone out of our service. We're sorry for the inconvenience." Zoe stared at it for a few seconds. This was the first time she had ever seen that message.
"We don't have service," she said quietly and slowly.
"What? What do you mean?" Rocky asked.
"I mean I can't make the call. I guess since nobody's ever falling down to the surface that they never made it so that we could make calls down here," Zoe said looking at Rocky.
"So we're stuck," he asked.
She nodded.
"What now?" he asked.
"We should take care of that ankle first and then we can look for food and water," Zoe said looking around. "These plants look edible."
"What's the point? We're just going to die anyway," he said.
"Rocky, don't talk like that. If our ancestors could survive down here, so can we," Zoe said. "C'mon I'll carry you into that house over there." She then leaned down and gently tried to carry him. He was heavy but she managed to get him all the way to the house. She arrived at the stairs. She looked at them but then went up them. There was only three she opened the door and suddenly her feet hit a cool surface almost like glass but a little bit rougher plus instead of being clear it was cream and opaque. She was going to put him down there but she noticed next to the cream colored surface was gray grass like stuff. She stepped on it and it was soft on her feet like clothing except different. She put him on the floor next to the wall.
"I'm going to look around and see what I can find," she said.
"No, don't leave me here alone," he said.
"Rocky, you'll be fine," she said, "Trust me."
He nodded.
She left him heading away from the cream colored surface and towards the room in the back. So far the entire house didn't have any furniture in it, but as she stepped from one room to another she noticed that in the middle of the room was full of blue smooth table like surfaces, plus she was back on the cream-colored floors. The walls were covered with brown storage units. She opened one and stepped back at what she saw. Inside was this brown-black creature crawling around. Zoe realized that this was the first living creature she had seen besides humans. Zoe searched her memories to see if she could remember the name of it.
"Spider, I think," she said out loud to herself. She closed that cabinet and moved onto the next ones.
She then walked from room to room on the first floor stepping from the cream-colored floor to the gray grass floors. She opened doors and looked in all storage units. She found many more spiders and even a few more crawling things that weren't spiders. She found one door that just dropped straight down. She immediately closed that one. She didn't find anything. These were people that brought everything with them when they had left.
She kept going until she had gotten back to where she had started.
"Did you find anything?" Rocky asked her.
"Not yet but I haven't even checked the 2nd floor," Zoe said referring to the stairs that she was standing by. "And if I can't find anything up there I could always check the other houses around."
"No, that's okay, really. Don't leave," Rocky said.
"I'm going to go check upstairs," Zoe said. She paused at the stairs though. Every house in Framtid was only one story, she had never really been on stairs before, besides the three steps leading up to the house. She sighed and made her way up.

The Forgotten World Part 6


Feb 28, 2011

The Forgotten World Part 4

The Forgotten World Part 3

Zoe was looking for something especially interesting today. She looked down trying to see something that would catch her eye. And something did. In the glass right in front of her was a huge crack in the glass. It must have taken some force to get a crack that huge. Zoe had seen some hairline cracks and reported those cracks before. But nothing as large as this. The crack covered the entire panel. It looked as if you put enough force on it that the entire panel would just break.
It made Zoe curious. She carefully leaned down and traced the crevices with her fingers. Of course she was going to report it but she wanted to feel the glass first.
Rocky was on his way to the mall to meet up with Daisy, Lulu, and Duke when he saw Zoe kneeling on the glass. He couldn't help but snicker. She was such a freak. He decided to go over and talk to her a little. He flew over and landed with a plunk right in front of her.
She gasped as she heard the glass break a little bit more. "Rocky don't stand there!"
"Why? Am I blocking your view?" he said in a mocking tone.
"It's not that. It's -" she said.
Crash! The glass gave way and Rocky fell through and he grabbed on to the edge of the glass. He looked down, the ground seemed so far away. He gulped and vigorously tried to activate his shoes to lift him back up. But all he accomplished was loosing one.
Then he lost his grip on the glass and started to fall. Zoe grabbed one of his wrists and tried to help him get back up. But the glass wasn't made to have grip and so she kept on losing her footing and getting closer and closer to the hole.
Eventually half of both of her feet hung off the glass and she knew unless she let go of Rocky they were both going down.
She hung on for her life and they both started to plummet to the ever growing ground. She swung her body around and furiously kicked his shoe. It activated. But unfortunately it was use to about one-fourth of the weight it was carrying now and only succeeded in slowing them down until eventually they hit the black ground.

The Forgotten World Part 5


Feb 27, 2011

The Forgotten World Part 3

The Forgotten World Part 2

"Whatev, I'm just trying to decide if I'm going to stay in Framtid or not," Lulu said. "It really depends if Rocky's going to stay here or not."
Rocky shot her a smile and put his arm around her. "I'm thinking of going into government," he said.
She started helplessly giggling.
"Well you definitely can't do that in Framtid," Daisy said.
It was then when Sasha flew by. She had been flying around all the teens seeing what they had been doing. So far she had been very impressed with their work. They all seemed to know what they had been doing. But she sighed when she saw Zoe. Zoe didn't have her social pad pulled out, she was just sitting and listening to the group's discussion. "Excuse me," she said kneeling down next to Zoe, "Do you need help? Why haven't you done anything yet?"
"I just don't know which department I want to go into yet," she said.
The group went silent as they listened to this exchange. "Are you kidding me? Most of us decided what we wanted to do by the time we were three," Rocky said.
"I just never thought about it," Zoe said. "I'm sorry, I just don't know."
"Well you have to decide today or wait until next year," Sasha said, "I go to a different city everyday."
"I'll wait until next year."
"Listen," Sasha said taking a deep breath, "That wasn't actually accurate. You have to decide today."
"I don't know what to chose," Zoe said looking at Sasha.
"I'll tell you what, sweetie, why don't we sign you up for all the jobs in the Framtid district. And if you don't like what you like go for a career change."
"OK," Zoe said pulling out her social pad and filling out the form.

The Forgotten World Part 4


Feb 26, 2011

The Forgotten World Part 2

The Forgotten World Part 1

Zoe had been looking at a hill covered with bright yellow flowers when Rocky and his friends had pushed her. She now stood up and watched them go. She then proceeded to go on her way to the Omnipotent Center. She assumed that's where they were going as well. She'd already been walking for an hour and fifteen minutes and she assumed she was getting close.
This assumption was correct because as she rounded the corner of the glass building she was standing by the large concrete Omnipotent Center took up her entire view.
She opened the doors and wandered into the building. She frowned, the Omnipotent Center was the only building in the glass era that was built of concrete instead of glass and it didn't nearly feel as nice on her feet as the glass did. She had been inside this building multiple times and had always been repulsed by the concrete floors.
Despite this, she made her way to the presentation room and looked around. Rocky and his friends were already in the room sitting down. Rocky snickered as he watched Zoe come in looking around like she was lost. "Oh, Zoe, over here," he said in a mocking tone.
Zoe ignored his tone and chose to sit next to him and his crew at the glass table they were sitting at.
They just stared at her until Lulu, a girl who was always chewing gum way to loudly, said, "Rocky, why did you invite the freak to come sit with us?" She didn't even attempt to lower her voice.
Rocky smiled. "Anything for my savage friend, Zoe," he said putting his arm around her. She shrugged it off.
It was then a very tall woman flew in. She landed with a plunk on the concrete and looked around at all the kids. She had very short scarlet hair, so short in fact, she couldn't even put it into a ponytail. She had large blue eyes and very attractive features. She smiled and the room hushed down. "I'm Sasha 86994980. I work at the Omnipotent Center as a career mentor. I'm here to help you chose your career today," she said.
"As you all know, 90 percent of the earth's working population works at the Omnipotent Center in different areas and different positions. The Framtid district has 100 percent of all working citizens working at the Omnipotent Center. I think that deserves a round of applause," she said and the class clapped and cheered loudly, "Okay, okay. Now, the Omnipotent Center has many career choices for all of you. I'm about to send a message to all of your social pads to decide which division you'd like to join the most. The list of your choices starts with the divisions in Framtid and then has the cities close to you and then proceeds to have the cities that are farthest from you. Then of course there's always the choice to opt out and decide to work on a different planet if that's what you really want."
She paused for a few seconds to pull out her social pad and then said, "Okay, you can start now." The kids immediately pulled out their social pads and got to work.
Duke, another one of Rocky's friends, said, "Hmm . . . I'm thinking of going into the transportation division, what are you guys thinking?"
"I really want to go into the shoe division but they let, like, nobody in there, 'cause everybody wants to do that," Daisy said.
"That doesn't even make any sense," Lulu said, smacking her gum, "They need a lot of people in that division. I mean everybody wears shoes."
"Well, almost everyone," Rocky said looking at straight at Zoe. Everyone started laughing.

The Forgotten World Part 3


Character Description (1) - Beauty and the Beast Bookseller

Character Name: Bookseller
Name: Adele Blanc Dupont
Age: 52
Where she lives: A quaint village.
Occupation: Bookseller
Family: Raymond Dupont (Husband - Deceased), Franck Blanc (Father - Deceased), Catherine Blanc (Mother - Deceased)
Background: Was born in the wealthy section of Paris. Father was a lawyer, mother was a house-wife. Her mother passed away when she just a little bit over four years old. Since she was left only with her father, he would bring home a lot of books to entertain her. She fell in love with books at a very young age. At the age of 19 she left home to where she lives now so she could be a tutor for a wealthy family there. She heard of a small book store in town. When she went there, she met Raymond Dupont, the owner of the store. Because they both had a love for books they got along well and soon were wed. Adele left her job as a tutor and moved into the bookshop to help her husband. Just three years later, she found out that her father had passed away. She continued to work and started to try to have children. She didn't have any though, and became very frustrated. At age thirty, still no children, Raymond got pneumonia. One year later he still had it with no signs of him getting better, so Adele was taking care of the shop all by herself. Soon Raymond, too, passed away and Adele was left a widow at age thirty-one. After closing down the shop and mourning for about one month, she reopened the shop and started working as hard as ever. She's still working that hard to this day.
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Book: None, she likes a lot of them.
Favorite Food: Eggs
Relationship to Main Characters:
Belle: She's always liked Belle. In fact Belle reminds her of herself when she was her age. She's always lets Belle into her bookshop and lets her barrow whatever book she wants. She always envisions Belle taking over her bookshop when she's gone. She considers Belle her friend and always enjoys talking to her, especially about books.
Gaston: She definitely knows who Gaston is. And she's heard plenty of stories. She doesn't like him personally, but she does like what she's heard. Gaston, though, barely knows who she is.
Le Fou: Acquaintances. She might have passed him a few times in the street and maybe even said "Bonjour" to each other. But that's about the extent of their relationship.

(Questions may be added. Answers are subject to change at any time.)

Jan 10, 2011

A Wired Romance

They all come in at once, loud and obnoxious. They sit down and talk until the bell rings and they leave just as fast as they come leaving only empty chairs and silence.
Oh, how I envy them! Free to leave when the bell rings. Not stuck like I am. How I long to be one of them, free to roam, free to experience the world. But I am forever stuck in this classroom.
The next class files in just as noisy as the first.
There he is: Jason O'Herra. The most handsome boy alive. His girlfriend thinks so too. He is coming over and she grabs him and pulls him into a kiss. I can't help but be jealous. How I long for him to treat me the way he does her. I get hit by a wave of sadness.
Jason O'Herra. The way his name just rings. The way his brown hair sits perfectly, not a hair out of place. The way he taps his perfect fingers on my hard skin. Aww . . .
Today is the day. I've just decided, today is the day that I finally talk to Jason and tell him how I feel. He sits down right in front of me and his girlfriend leaves.
I allow him to log in and then I tell him, "Hi, Jason."
He screams and jumps up. I guess I should of expected this sort of response.
"Mrs. Yelop, someone's messing with my computer!" he yells. I quickly close the text that I had put on his desktop. Like I said, I should of expected this response.

Jan 1, 2011

Lost in the Translation

I went to Google Translate and decided to translate part of My Brother, Cupid into Lithuanian and back to English and back to Lithuanian five times. This is the result.

Beginning: Hate was my brother's number one no-no word. He wouldn't let me use it to describe anything: food, television shows, situations, and especially not people. Ever since he became Cupid and decided that love was the source of all happiness and all things good in life he decided that hate was the devil. He even got mad at my mom once when she used it.
So needless to say I knew I was in trouble. I wasn't sure what he was going to do. "Hate?" he squeaked, "You hate me?" That wasn't what I expecting.
I was about to apologize, but I was still too upset to act on this notion. Instead I went along with the whole hate thing. "Yes," was my answer, true or not. "I do. You're way annoying, and super weird, and-"

After Five Times: Hatred was my brother's number one no-no word. He would not let me use it to describe everything: food, television shows, situation, and especially not the people. Cupid and have since decided that love was all happy and everything is a source of life, he decided to hate the devil. He even got mad at my mom for the first time she used it.
So to say, I knew I was in for trouble. I do not know what he intends to do. "Hate?" he squeaked, "You hate me?" This was not what I expected.
I was about to apologize, but I was still too upset to act this notion. Instead, I put together with all the hate thing. "Yes, " was my reply, it's true or not. "I do. You're way annoying and super strange, and-"

The moral of this story is be careful when using google translate you may think you're saying something when in all actuality your not. Always double check by putting it back through or doing one word at a time.